莎士比亞之漫畫與動畫改編研究: 以《哈姆雷特》及《羅密歐與茱麗葉》為例

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本文旨在探討莎士比亞的《哈姆雷特》及《羅密歐與茱麗葉》中的情節和台詞,如何透過圖片敘述及原著台詞的刪減,交織應用在21世紀的動畫及漫畫中,而使其產生新的詮釋及視聽感受。本論文分為五章: 緒論陳述本文所提及的漫畫及動畫版本之取材原因,以及簡述各章節概要。第一章則提供漫畫及動畫的初步認識,並運用Barbara Postema所列出的漫畫技巧,解讀圖片在故事中的敘述方式。將圖片視為一種在文本中敘述的語言,並透過漫畫的敘事架構及圖片在畫面上的配置技巧,作為分析第二章的基礎。第二章主要著重在Manga Shakespeare改編的漫畫版本中,分析僅是文字的原著劇本,如何在漫畫圖片的框架中,結合既有的台詞與漫畫的敘述架構而得以重新演釋,而產生不同的閱讀可能性及解讀方式。為了區別漫畫和動畫在改編上有所不同,第三章則以Zetsuen no Tempest和Romeo X Juliet兩部動畫作品為例,探討莎劇的角色、台詞及劇情,如何經由應用與修飾,融合劇情,進而在動畫中產生新的詮釋。與漫畫相比,動畫的重點已經不再是以不同媒介演繹莎士比亞的劇本。反之,原著中的元素(角色、情節、台詞)變成動畫敘事中的潤飾品,或是作為劇情轉折的關鍵點。最後,結論概述漫畫和動畫改編的異同,並提出閱聽者在閱讀或欣賞的當下,應將劇本或是改編作品結合自身經驗,使其產生更具意義的解讀方式。
This thesis seeks to explore how Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet are applied and adapted into manga and anime through graphic narration and application of original lines in the twenty-first century. The thesis is composed of five chapters. The introductory chapter explains the reason for adopting specific adaptations and outlines important points in each chapter. Chapter One begins with a brief introduction to manga and anime, and the narrative structure in manga based on Barbara Postema’s discussions. To examine how graphics act in sequence and produce meanings, this chapter offers some terminologies of manga as the basis for examining functions and layouts of graphics in manga adaptations. Chapter Two compares and contrasts important scenes and themes in Manga Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet to discuss how Shakespeare’s plays are represented through graphics and abridged lines. Although numerous lines are omitted, the appealing graphics in manga provide the readers with emotional engagements and different perspectives to reconsider Shakespeare’s plays. In order to look into the differences between manga and anime adaptations, Chapter Three investigates how characters, plots, and quotations are applied in Shakespeare’s anime adaptations (Zetsuen no Tempest and Romeo X Juliet). Contrary to Manga Shakespeare’s editions which are more attached to the original plays, the anime adaptations become new stories and Shakespeare’s lines are transformed into aiding elements to move stories forward. Finally, the concluding chapter summarizes the similarities and differences of manga and anime adaptations. It also pinpoints the importance of relating Shakespeare’s plays/adaptations with our surroundings and daily experience to make our interpretation more meaningful.



莎士比亞, 哈姆雷特, 羅密歐與茱麗葉, 漫畫, 動畫, 改編, Shakespeare, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, manga, anime, adaptations

