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  本研究以性別、空間、身體之觀點討論女性休閒籃球參與和籃球場上的性別實踐。籃球為陽剛氣質展現明顯之運動,因此成了男性操演陽剛氣質的重要場域,陽剛籃球場存在著對於女性、陰柔氣質的排斥和壓迫。   然而,性別化的籃球運動並無法將女性完全隔絕阻擋在外,本研究之研究對象為一運作長達十年女性休閒籃球社群之成員,她們以休閒為目的長期、固定的在公共籃球場上參與籃球運動,為鬆動充滿陽剛霸權的籃球運動帶來轉變的契機。故本研以深度訪談之方法進行資料蒐集,究旨要探究以下:第一,這群女性如何擺脫社會性別的期待,長期留守球場的籃球運動空間的生命經驗。再者,女性在籃球場上現身的性別化經驗。最後,了解女性於籃球休閒運動中展現運動主體性的樣態,以及如何以女性/陰柔的樣貌闖入陽剛場域的球場中,鬆動陽剛籃球場的結構,並如何自在、享樂於其中,重構女性主體性。   經訪談資料整理與性別、空間、身體等相關理論綜合分析後,本研究有以下幾點發現:第一,這群女性自中學時期跳脫社會女性身體框架,學習與汗水相處、接納日曬,並在與籃球互動的歷程中建立起女性籃球員之身分認同,而得以開啟長期與籃球互動的生命經驗;第二,社會性別權力結構龐大,從女性在籃球場上的現身、競賽中球技展現到與男性互動的歷程都設下重重的阻礙,性別權力結構不斷地將女性定義為籃球場上的「她者」;第三,這群女性以女體因應不同情境自在操演陽剛氣質與陰柔氣質潛入籃球運動,並技巧性的爭取更多打球的機會;第四,這群女性以社群的力量鬆動陽剛籃球,改變特定公共籃球場的性別權力結構,展現女性在籃球場上的主體性。
  From the perspective of gender, space and body, this study discusses female leisure basketball participation and gender practice in basketball court. As basketball filled with masculine, the basketball court become the place where male to prove masculinity. Therefore, basketball court has oppression with female and femininity.   However, females are not completely out of basketball. This study focus on a female leisure basketball community, females regularly participate in basketball for leisure purpose in public basketball court and try to change masculine hegemony in basketball for long-term. This study use in-depth interview to explore the following questions: First, how these females in the leisure basketball community escape from social gender construction in order to join basketball life experiences? Second, what kind of gender experiences will these females face when they appear on the basketball court? Last but not least, how these females struggling and fighting masculine hegemony to show female agency in basketball?   From the comprehensive analysis between the data that generated from the interview and gender, space and body theory, there are four findings in the study. First, these females who participate in basketball court embrace the sweat and the sun to escape from social gender construction. At the same time, they build up the identity of female basketball player. Second, When female appear to join the game, they usually receive contempt and trustless. Females are treated like “others” in basketball court. Third, these females practice masculinity and femininity to participate in basketball, and using strategy and agency to find more opportunities to play basketball. Lastly, these females weakened the masculine hegemony and show the female subjectivity in the basketball court by the participation of the female leisure basketball community.



女性, 休閒籃球, 空間, 身體, body, female, leisure basketball, space





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