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地形特徵圖有別於以往的基本地形圖及地質圖,是以特徵地形為主角,人造地物則為輔助參考。我國的地形特徵圖是由國家災害防救科技中心,自民國106年以來辦理「細緻化地質地貌特徵地圖製作研究」、「建構防災地形分類與地圖製圖規範研究」等計畫,以專案方式繪製木柵、草屯及成功等圖幅。其製圖方法主要是利用shapefile格式儲存特徵地形資料,並以地理資訊系統(geographic information system, GIS)作為製圖軟體,先確立欲繪製的圖幅範圍後,再以圖層套疊的方式,將暈渲圖、等高線、特徵地形、地表地物等圖層疊加而成,最終成果則以紙圖的形式產出。這種使用shapefile資料的製圖方式,會遇到某些需要人工判斷的問題,如當特徵地形面積過小時無法以面符號呈現,需改為以點符號顯示或直接省略該地形特徵。因此本研究採用物件導向的概念來建置地形特徵的圖徵資料庫(map feature database),以解決利用shapefile格式之資料繪製地圖的問題,並降低製圖及後續管理成本。本研究參考臺灣通用版電子地圖之地形圖徵架構,配合地形特徵製圖之經驗,設計適用於地形特徵圖之圖徵資料庫架構,以及能完整描述特徵地形特徵之屬性欄位。並以國家災害防救科技中心發布之兩萬五千分之一基本地形特徵圖-成功圖幅為實際案例,將成功圖幅之特徵地形資料建置為圖徵資料庫,以建立新建和轉置地形特徵圖徵資料庫之流程。為驗證本研究設計圖徵資料庫之可行性,本研究並以圖徵資料庫繪製成功圖幅之基本地形特徵圖,進而比較使用shapefile資料製圖與圖徵資料庫製圖之差異。研究結果顯示,圖徵資料庫有利於客製化製圖,調整符號與圖層順序較不受限制,若將其應用於主題式地形特徵圖或電子地圖圖台,將更可突顯圖徵資料庫之優勢。
Different from topographic map, geomorphological map is based on the characteristic landforms, while the artificial landscapes are auxiliary references. In Taiwan, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) established geomorphological maps since 2017. They constructed Muzha Geomorphological Map (1:25,000), Caotun Geomorphological Map (1:25,000) and Chenggong Geomorphological Map (1:25,000) in previous projects. The production of geomorphological map often uses geographic information system, which are sheet-based or layer-based methods. However, the produce of paper maps using map sheet in units may encounter some problems that need manual works, such as the map objects are discontinuous and the scale can’t be zoomed. Besides, the data wasn’t recorded with individual spatial entities, so additional cost on data editing and processing is often required. Map feature database is a solution to these problems, it is based on the object in real world, and satisfied the demand to apply individual object.We refer to concepts of Taiwan e-Map and the geomorphological classification framework to design map feature database of geomorphological map. According to the framework and the specification, we then build the application outline of geomorphological map, which is composed of object trees, the hierarchical structure of landscape classification. Also, we designed the attributes of the characteristic landforms. For verifying our design, we establish a map feature database of Chenggong Geomorphological Map (1:25,000), and using it to draw the geomorphological map.In result, we successfully produced Chenggong Geomorphological Map (1:25,000) based on map feature database. And then compare the difference between layer-based mapping and map feature database mapping. The results show that map feature database is conducive to customized drawing especially when adjusting the layer order and the symbols. Subsequent application of it to thematic geomorphological maps or electronic map can further highlight the advantages of the map feature database.



特徵地形, 地形特徵圖, 圖徵資料庫, Characteristic landform, Geomorphological map, Map feature database

