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本研究以關渡自然公園為個案,透過質性與量化的方式,討論居民對於一個位於鄉村—都市交界帶的保護區之看法。本研究認為,關渡平原是一個鄉村—都市交界帶,關渡自然公園是一個地處交界帶的保護區。本文透過問卷調查,瞭解在地居民人口統計特徵與對於公園看法之間的關連性,並特別凸顯居民的社區依附與環境態度與對公園看法之間的連結;在質性的部分,則是認為居民對於「資源」與「地方」的態度,影響到他們對於關渡地區,以及關渡平原脈絡下之自然公園的看法。 問卷調查結果,在地居民相當肯定自然公園的環境教育、保育、休閒功能,但對於公園帶來的經濟衝擊看法較為分歧。在公園經營管理方面,民眾並不認為社區組織是公園最佳管理單位,但認為公園的經營管理需要有在地居民的意見;公園與居民的互動也顯得較為缺乏,不少民眾並不曉得公園針對在地居民所實施的政策,特別是年輕族群。本研究也指出,在個人社經背景之外,環境態度與社區依附兩者也是影響居民對於保護區看法的重要屬性,在後續相關研究中,此兩項需要納入考量。 再者,透過訪談,本研究亦指出在地居民對於關渡自然公園的看法,受到他們對於「資源」(包括錢、生物多樣性資源、景觀資源) 與「地方」的看法所影響。首先,在資源的部分,若是從公園作為一種政治資源的角度來看,公園的存在影響到地方政治的運作,包括社區的領導人與公園的經營者、北市府之間,在金錢回饋上的認知不同,以及強化社區—公園關係所可能帶來的政績與選票考量。在生物多樣性資源的部分,紅樹林的議題與候鳥保護的議題都與生物多樣性定義的多元性有關,進而造成保育與資源利用之間的摩擦與衝突,而生物多樣性不同定義背後所代表的受益尺度,更是涉及尺度的社會建構議題。從景觀資源的角度而言,有別於傳統對於自然資源的製造,新進居民,以及宣傳關渡美景的住商,都是在「消費」關渡的美麗地景。再者,若從「地方」的角度來看,受到關渡自然環境吸引而來的新進居民,對於關渡的認同來自於當地的自然環境,關渡自然公園也被他們認為是關渡「自然」的一環;世居居民則是認為關渡自然公園保留了關渡平原過去的地景,或是一個回味幼時生活方式之處,兩群人對於公園的情感依附是不同的。
Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, this study takes Guandu Nature Park and its neighbor communities as a case study area, and analyses local people’s attitudes toward Guandu Nature Park. This study argues that the Guandu Plain is a rural-urban interface, and Guandu Nature Park is a protected area within the interface. First, this study use questionnaires to understand local people’s perceptions toward this protected area. Besides socio-demographic factors, this study considers community attachments and environmental concern as two factors influencing residents’ attitudes. Second, using qualitative methods, this study argues that different social groups have different attitudes toward “resources”, and have different sense of place, thus result in varied perceptions toward the Guandu Plain, and the Guandu Nature Park within the Plain. Statistical results show that most local people have positive attitudes toward parks’ conservation, environmental education and leisure functions, but the attitudes toward park’s economic impact are more complicated. Residents do not think community (organization) is a proper management unit for managing Guandu Nature Park, but local peoples’ opinions should be considered in the process of management. Besides, it seems that the interaction between residents and the park is not strong, resulting in many residents, especially young people, do not know the policy that they can go into the park without fee. This study also shows that environment concern and community attachments should be considered in the factors influencing peoples’ attitudes toward protected area. Through discursive analysis, this study believes that different social groups, especially new comers and old timers, have different attitudes toward resource and sense of place (or “place”), thus result in varied attitudes toward the Guandu Plain and the Guandu Nature Park. As for resource, we mean money, biodiversity resources and landscape resources. As for place, we find out that new comers’ attachments comes from local natural environments, and because the park is considered as one kind of “nautre”, residents, especially new comers, have positive attitudes toward Guandu Nature Park. However, old timers think that the park preserve pass landscapes or pass life styles. That is, old timers and new comers have different sense of place.



關渡自然公園, 保護區, 環境態度, 社區依附, 政治生態學, 鄉村-都市交界帶, Guandu nature park, protected area, environmental concern, community attachement, political ecology, rural-urban interface

