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陽上第六聲字調在台語演變的探究 摘 要 台語字調平上去入四調,再分陰陽共計八聲調;而陽上第6聲,傳統均以等同陰上第2聲視之:久之,變成八音七調,坊間更乏專文論述。本文從陽(濁、下)上第6聲聲字的彙整、標音,並對「三十六字母」清、濁字母中對稱的設計,析論全濁字母移用至相關的清字母及次濁字母清字母化,爬梳台語聲母相異的文白異讀現象,還原陽上第6聲字及調本來的面貌,俾建立正確的認知觀念。 本論文分為七章: 第一章 緒論 第二章 前人相關文獻的探討 第三章 台語文白異讀探討 第四章 台語陽上第六聲全濁 次濁上字調分析 第五章 陽上第六聲字台語與潮州話、泉州音的對照與分析 第六章 分析全濁、次濁上聲的字調演變及歸納統計 第七章 結 論 關鍵詞:八音七調、三十六字母、文白異讀、台語第6聲、陽上聲
The research of sixth tone on Taiwanese’ evolvement Abstract Taiwanese has four tones and is being subdivided into Yin and Yang, there’re totally eight tones. Traditionally Yang-shang, the sixth tone, equates to Yin-shang, second tone. There is no dissertation concerned. Therefore, eight sounds and seven tones remain in Taiwanese. Through the collection of the Yang-shang characters, marks with phonetic symbols, and 36-characters’ symmetrical design of Qing-Zhuo characters, this thesis analyzes Quan-Zhuo characters which transfer to related Qing-characters& Ci-Zhuo characters becoming Qing–characters. I hope to clear up the Wen-Bai variants of different Taiwanese consonants, and recover the original of Yang-shang character & tone, to build up the correct conception of cognition. This master's dissertation includes seven chapters. They’re: Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. The research of predecessor’ related documents and records. Chapter 3. The research of Taiwanese Wen-bai variants. Chapter 4. The collection of Taiwanese sixth tone Yang-shang characters. Chapter 5. The comparison between Chao-zhou-hua, Quan-zhou-in and sixth tone Yang-shang characters in Taiwanese. Chapter 6. The analysis of Quan-zhuo& Ci-zhuo variation. Sum and statistics of Quan-zhuo-shang,Ci-zhuo-shang and Qing -shang characters. Chapter 7. Conclusion. Key words:eight sounds and seven tones, thirty-six characters, Wen-bai variants, Taiwanese sixth tone, Yang-shang



八音七調, 三十六字母, 文白異讀, 台語第6聲, 陽上聲, eight sounds and seven tones, thirty-six characters, Wen-bai variants, Taiwanese sixth tone, Yang-shang





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