華語學習者之定式篇章標記語使用研究- 基於教學觀點之考察
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定式篇章標記語同時兼具定式語的特性和篇章標記語的功能,在篇章上扮演銜接與延展的角色。華語學習者定式篇章標記語的表現可同時反映其語彙和篇章表述的能力及發展特徵。然而,過往相關研究或未重視定式語在篇章教學的重要性,或未從中介語角度觀察學習者篇章標記語之使用特性,緣此,本論文考察初、中、高三組非母語學習者寫作文本中定式篇章標記語之使用情形,並獲得以下成果:其一,依據系統功能語言學之純理功能(Metafunction)的假定(Halliday& Hassan 1976, Halliday 1994, 2004),觀察到學習者寫作所使用的定式篇章標記語在語篇(Textual)功能面向可分為管領、連接和終止三種標記;概念(Ideational)功能面向包括經驗概念和邏輯概念。其中,經驗概念可將學習者的定式篇章標記語分為場域、情態和關聯三類概念標記。邏輯概念則包括限定、推進、因果、順序、分列、附加、轉折、對立、歸結等9種邏輯關係標記;人際(Interpersonal)功能面向上則可分為描述、聲明、議論、致意、設問、解說、反對、推斷、結語等10類標記。其二,從不同的功能面向之分類、次分類觀察定式篇章標記語的形態和使用分布,由此獲知學習者寫作時華語定式篇章標記語形式和語義功能特性和三種純理功能之間的相互作用;其三,觀察到初、中、高三種程度級別的學習者寫作資料中出現的定式篇章標記語形態及使用量不同,此差異與學習者語法、語義之習得過程有關;其四,本論文比較高級學習者的議論文和記敘文,印證寫作文體對學習者定式篇章標記語之使用具有相當程度的影響;最後,本論文檢視初、中、高級四套華語教材中定式篇章標記語的相關教學內容,並依據前述之分析和觀察結果提出有針對性的教學啟示和建議。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of formulaic discourse markers (FDM) of CSL learners in their writing. FDMs play roles of connecting and extending in discourse. The performances of FDMs reflect learners’ competences and development of lexis and discourse. The previous studies, however, were either not aware of the important role of FDMs or failed to observe the characteristics of learners’ discourse makers in view of interlanguage. Therefore, this study examines the use of formulaic discourse markers in the texts written by low, intermediate and high level CSL learners and obtains the following achievements. First, we analyze the forms and semantic functions of formulaic discourse markers in learners’ writing from the aspects of textual, ideational and interpersonal functions, which are all based on the assumption of metafunction that has been introduced in the systemic function linguistics (Halliday& Hassan 1976, Halliday 1994, 2004). Secondly, we observe the types and variations of the use of formulaic discourse markers in different categories and subcategories of functions so as to recognize the properties of their uses and interactions among the three metafunctions of learners’ writing. Thirdly, we explore the differences of the use of FDMs among learners’ levels and find that they relate to the process of how learners have learned the forms and meanings of FDMs. Fourthly, the registersof writing clearly influence the uses of FDMs in learners’ writing. Besides, this study also reviews the relative information of FDMs in four CSL textbooks. Finally, some pedagogical implications are worth considering and suggestions are made according to the findings of the research.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of formulaic discourse markers (FDM) of CSL learners in their writing. FDMs play roles of connecting and extending in discourse. The performances of FDMs reflect learners’ competences and development of lexis and discourse. The previous studies, however, were either not aware of the important role of FDMs or failed to observe the characteristics of learners’ discourse makers in view of interlanguage. Therefore, this study examines the use of formulaic discourse markers in the texts written by low, intermediate and high level CSL learners and obtains the following achievements. First, we analyze the forms and semantic functions of formulaic discourse markers in learners’ writing from the aspects of textual, ideational and interpersonal functions, which are all based on the assumption of metafunction that has been introduced in the systemic function linguistics (Halliday& Hassan 1976, Halliday 1994, 2004). Secondly, we observe the types and variations of the use of formulaic discourse markers in different categories and subcategories of functions so as to recognize the properties of their uses and interactions among the three metafunctions of learners’ writing. Thirdly, we explore the differences of the use of FDMs among learners’ levels and find that they relate to the process of how learners have learned the forms and meanings of FDMs. Fourthly, the registersof writing clearly influence the uses of FDMs in learners’ writing. Besides, this study also reviews the relative information of FDMs in four CSL textbooks. Finally, some pedagogical implications are worth considering and suggestions are made according to the findings of the research.
華語, 學習者, 寫作, 篇章, 定式篇章標記語, 純理功能, Chinese as a Second Language, learner, writing, discourse, formulaic discourse markers, metafunction