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隨著氣候變遷造成的糧食危機議題與層出不窮的食安問題,各國致力於開發兼具糧食系統與永續生態的城市,促使可食地景﹙Edible Landscaping﹚的出現。結合可食地景的概念,臺北市政府從2015年開始推動田園城市政策,並針對臺北市公私立高中職以下學校推行小田園體驗學習計畫,重新利用校園閒置空間,規劃創設田園地景,讓有機種植與生態環境在校園中展開,兼具實用與教育功能,校園中可食地景的價值不單僅是重新利用土地耕種蔬果,更是一種重新將食物引入城市,將人與土地系統重新連結的方式,使人們重新思考與土地間的關係。 本研究旨在結合體驗學習與流水學習法發展環境教育課程,以臺北市福星國小中的可食地景為研究場域,高年級學童為研究對象,與校內教師同仁共同規劃課程,利用自編教材融入社會科與自然科進行課程教學活動,以永續發展為核心理念,結合作物生老病死的歷程設計6大活動,共計14堂課,帶領學生到校園中的可食地景實際進行體驗活動呼應課堂內容,由從實際農事體驗種植物、採收、採買到料理讓學生體驗一連串從產地到餐桌的歷程進行環境教育課程。透過行動研究,探討研究者將校園中可食地景運用於環境教育之課程教學歷程、學生在此課程之看法與學習收穫,以及在於環境教育目標上之學習成效,根據教學活動歷程之觀察與蒐集的資料做分析與歸納,達成研究目的。最後依據研究歷程之發現與研究結果,提出具體之建議,作為實務教學與未來研究之參考。本研究獲得以下結論: 一、校園可食地景進行環境教育助於提升學生在於環境教育的成長 二、校園可食地景結合教學有助於落實十二年國教之核心素養 三、校園可食地景助於研究者專業知能之成長 四、校園可食地景結合多元課程設計有助於激發學生學習興趣
Facing the issues of food crisis and repeated food safety concerns resulted from climate change, all countries have invested in developing cities with own food supply system and sustainable ecological environments. Edible Landscaping hence rises from these efforts. Incorporating the concept of edible landscaping, the Garden City Program adopted by the Taipei City government in 2015 has encouraged primary to senior high schools to establish the school garden experiential learning program by reinvigorating and landscaping existing idle campus corners into agricultural gardens. From both the educational and practical perspectives, this initiative aims to encourage organic farming and ecological environments on campus. The edible landscapes on campus not only reintroduce food cultivation on the campus land, but also reengage the city with food cultivation, and invite rethinking on the relationship between people and the land by reestablishing the connection in between. This research, by combining experiential learning and flow learning, brought the target groups of students to actually conduct experiential activities on the school edible landscapes. From the farm to the table, students gained a series of hands-on experiences of environmental education, including actual farming, harvesting, purchasing and cooking. Using the edible landscapes of Taipei City’s primary to senior high schools as the field sites and targeting senior primary school students, the researcher worked with the teachers to develop a curriculum by incorporating self-developed materials into the courses of social and natural sciences. With the core theme on sustainability, the curriculum includes six major activities spanning across fourteen courses following the life cycle of the birth, aging, sickness and death of plants. With the methodology of action research, this research conducted analysis on observation and materials collected from the teaching process that incorporates school edible landscapes in the environmental education, feedbacks and learning of students, as well as teachers’ evaluation. At the end, based on the observation and analysis of this research, the researcher proposes a list of recommendations for future teaching practices and researches. This research concludes that: 1. Incorporating school edible landscapes into the environmental education assists students’ growth in the environmental education. 2. Incorporating school edible landscapes into teaching helps to achieve the core competencies of the 12-year basic education. 3. School edible landscapes benefit the professional development of the researcher. 4. Combining school edible landscapes with multiple curriculum design helps stimulating students’ interests.



可食地景, 環境教育, 體驗學習, 小田園教育, edible landscaping, environmental education, experiential learning, school garden education





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