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本文探討不同市場定位下的百貨公司,業者如何透過空間規劃與設計,營造出符合消費定位的空間,本研究以緊鄰東區商圈的SOGO百貨忠孝、敦化、復興三館作為研究對象,透過業者對於不同市場定位的設計,將能更完整的看出不同空間定位下的設計與規劃差異。在地理學研究中,重視人地互動過程,我們不僅需了解業者所建構的空間,還必需了解人如何於空間中活動,因此接著探討消費者進館後的空間的感受,以及人們在消費空間中如何建構自我身分認同與群體認同的過程,透過布爾迪厄的日常生活實踐概念,將更利於我們理解不同社經屬性消費者對於空間感受與認同的差異性結果。 研究結果顯示,業者透過不同空間的規劃與設計,傳達出不同的市場定位氛圍與符號意涵,多數消費者都同意忠孝館是普羅大眾型百貨,敦化館是具有高品味、高格調的百貨公司,復興館則是時尚與潮流兼具的賣場,而在三個不同空間設計下,的確能吸引不同消費族群到館選購,走大眾化百貨路線的忠孝館,是多數消費者偏好的購物場所,精品百貨路線的敦化館則是經濟資本條件高的小眾消費者活動場域,復興館則是新時代具有潮流的百貨賣場,雖也能符合全客層消費者,但受到文化資本條件佳的消費群青睞。除此之外,不同社經屬性展現出不同的消費行為,例如女性是主要購物者,年齡影響消費心態與意願,教育程度和月收入此種資本條件差異也影響消費商品與場域,並形塑出不同的消費品味。也就是說,不同社經屬性消費者會在空間中做出選擇,透過消費空間與消費商品以從中建構自我認同及群體的認同感,透過這三館的比較我們也就能明顯地看出不同消費族群間所展現的消費行為差異。
How the entrepreneur of Department stores under different market positioning establishes the shopping space conforming the market positioning through spatial planning and designing were studied in this research. This study focused on three branches of Pacific SOGO Department Store, including Chung-Hsiao, Dun-Hua, and Fu-Sing branch stores, all of which are close to the shopping area of the east Taipei. Through the design the entrepreneur made for different market poisoning, the differences of the designing and planning under different spatial positioning would be seen more completely. In geography researches, the interaction between people and environment was emphasized. We not only need to understand the space constructed by the entrepreneur, but also need to understand how people move in the place. Therefore, this research studied the consumers’ feelings after entering the department store and the process of how people build self-identity and community identity in the shopping space.By the Pierre Bourdieu theory of practice, we would understand the different results of space feelings and identity that consumers from different attributes have more easily. The result of this research shows the entrepreneur really conveys the different market positioning atmosphere and mark meaning through different space planning and designing. Most consumers agree that the Chung-Hsiao branch is a kind of popular department store, the Dun-Hua branch is a boutique department store, and the Fu-Sing branch is more like a department store which contains both fashion and trend. Indeed, the three different spatial designs attract different shopping groups. The Chung-Hsiao branch which features popularity is the shopping place most consumers prefer to go to. Compared to the Chung-Hsiao branch, the Dun-Hua branch which features luxury goods draws consumers with high purchasing power. The Fu-Sing branch is a department store which keeps up with the current trend, and it is more approved by consumers with high culture capital though it is also agreed with all consumer level. In addition, different socio-economic group display different shopping behavior,For example, women are main consumers; age would affect human shopping psychographicsthe; difference of capital condition, such as educational background and monthly income, would affect their shopping choice and place and form different shopping taste. In other words, different socio-economic group would make their choice according to the place; they would construct self-identity and community identity through place and merchandise. Through the comparisons of these three branches, we would obviously see the differences of shopping behavior different shopping groups display.



SOGO百貨, 符號, 布爾迪厄, 消費認同, SOGO Department Store, Sign, Pierre Bourdieu, Identity of consumption





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