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河南衛視《中國節日》系列節目在微博的話題閱讀量達到33.1億次,每集節目播出都會引起全民熱議。在同時間段播出的文化類影視節目中,《中國節日》節目話題討論量穩居第一。該節目讓觀眾的視線重新回歸到依託「中華傳統文化」製作的文化類影視節目,打破了文化類影視節目發展的僵局和傳統文化傳承面臨的困境。為了探討文化類影視節目的創新方向,本研究選擇《中國節日》節目進行個案研究,探討分析文化類影視節目中的傳統文化呈現和新媒體應用,總結歸納文化類影視節目的創新的方向。《中國節日》中,大部分傳統文化呈現在地標建築、書畫和服裝上,新媒體應用在虛擬舞台場景的製作和視頻信息的傳輸。《中國節日》節目,結合5G 、AR、3D等新媒體讓節目畫面變得更加立體,在刺激視覺效果的同時,強化了傳統文化呈現。地標建築的實拍和畫作書法的立體呈現,全新的視覺體驗、融古通今的時空維度,極大調動了受眾的觀賞興趣。運用新媒體幻化為觀眾的一部分身體感官,去親身體驗中華傳統文化。中華傳統文化的傳承映射在文化類影視節目的創新中。文化類影視節目可以運用新媒體科技技術,引導觀眾對傳統文化產生思想感情上的共鳴,並啓發觀眾對文化傳承的思考。文化類影視節目可以借助新媒體拓展傳播渠道,新的傳播媒介讓文化的傳播影響範圍更廣更加全面。文化類影視節目還可以透過新表達方式,讓文化呈現年輕化的語言視覺表達,吸引並引導觀眾對傳統文化傳承貢獻出自己的的力量
Henan Satellite TV's "China Festivals" program has reached 3.31 billion readers on Weibo, and every episode of the program is aired and is hotly debated by the public. The explosion of this cultural TV program has brought the audience's attention back to cultural TV programs based on "traditional Chinese culture," breaking the deadlock in the development of cultural TV programs and the dilemma faced by the transmission of traditional Chinese culture. In order to explore the innovative direction of cultural TV programs, this study selects the program"Chinese Festivals" to conduct a case study to explore and analyze the presentation of traditional culture and the application of new media in cultural TV programs and summarize the innovative direction of cultural TV programs. In "Chinese Festivals", most of the traditional culture is presented in landmark buildings, paintings, and costumes, and new media is applied in the production of virtual stage scenes and transmission of video information. The program "Chinese Festivals" combines 5G, AR,3D, and other new media to make the program more three-dimensional and enhance the presentation of traditional culture while stimulating visual effects. The new visual experience and the spatial and temporal dimension of the integration of the past and present greatly mobilized the audience's interest in watching the program. The use of new media transforms the audience into a part of the body's senses to experience traditional Chinese culture. The heritage of the traditional culture of China is mapped in the innovation of cultural video programs. Cultural video programs can use new media technology to guide the audience to resonate with traditional culture and inspire them to think about cultural inheritance. Cultural video programs can expand their communication channels with the help of new media, and the new communication media can make the influence of cultural communication wider and more comprehensive. Through new expressions, cultural video programs can also present a young linguistic and visual expression of culture, attracting and guiding viewers to contribute to the transmission of traditional culture.



文化類影視節目, 中華傳統文化, 新媒體應用, cultural video programs, traditional culture of China, new media applications

