急性MICT和LV-HIIT對中老年人執行功能影響 :事件相關電位研究

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近年來,全球高齡化浪潮來襲,老化已成為現今社會需要重視的課題,伴隨著認知退化與罹患失智症的案例與日俱增,使得如何提升中老年人認知功能的議題越來越受到重視。高強度間歇訓練 (HIIT) 可以改善認知功能和表現。大多數HIIT研究採用"全力以赴 "的可變負荷運動干預,然而這可能不安全,也不能被特定的人 (中高齡或者病患等) 所接受。低量HIIT是為了確定性能、代謝和分子適應更實用的模型,儘管總運動量低,但其效益可以類似于傳統耐力訓練并且產生積極的情緒價值。此外,急性運動誘發乳酸濃度之提升可能與認知表現之增進產生關聯。因此,本研究之目的為探討急性中等强度連續運動 (MICT)和低量HIIT (LV-HIIT)對中老年人抑制控制之影響。本文採用對抗平衡組内設計,參與者按順序隨機分派至完成30分鐘的急性MICT、19分鐘LV-HIIT或30分鐘非運動干預 (觀看影片) 。當參與者在基線和干預模式後執行Stroop任務時,同時測量神經心理學[即準確率 (ACC) 和反應時間 (RT) ]、神經生理學[即事件相關電位 (ERP) P3和N450振幅]以及血清中乳酸濃度指標。主要結果表明,MICT和LV-HIIT對抑制控制的行爲表現有相似的效益,其中LV-HIIT對神經電激活有特定的内在歷程,次要結果表明,LV-HIIT產生較多的乳酸並令人充滿愉悅感。總而言之,LV-HIIT可能是一種更省時高效率來改善認知健康的方法。
Aging has emerged as a significant concern in our society because of the recent worldwide aging trend. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on improving the cognitive function of the elderly due to the rise in the incidence of dementia and cognitive decline in middle-aged people. Previous research has demonstrated the value of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in enhancing cognitive ability. However, the'all-out' variable-load exercise regimens that are frequently used in most HIIT studies might not be suitable for everyone or be well tolerated by them. To address this issue, low-volume HIIT (LV-HIIT) was developed as a more practical model that can produce metabolic and molecular adaptations similar to endurance training despite a lower total exercise volume. Our main goal was to determine how a single session of LV-HIIT and MICT affected middle-aged people’s inhibitory control. The impact ofan acute exercise-induced elevation in lactate on the cognitive performance of senior citizens was another goal of our research. Participants randomly conducted 30 min of MICT, 19 min of LV-HIIT, or a non-exercise intervention (CON) session in a counterbalanced order using a counterbalanced crossover design. We simultaneously measured neuropsychological indices (accuracy rate and reaction time) and neurophysiological indices (event-related potential P3 and N450 amplitude) using a Stroop task at baseline and after each intervention mode. To summarize, the findings of the current study indicate that MICT and LV-HIIT have the same inhibition performance and differential underlying neuroelectric activation. The study implies that LV-HIIT may be a more time-effective strategy for enhancing cognitive health.



LV-HIIT, MICT, 抑制控制, 乳酸, 中老年人, LV-HIIT, MICT, inhibition, lactate, late-middle-aged adults

