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摘 要 本研究目的為觀察不同水準蝶泳專長運動員在不同速度時其手腳協調動作型態的變化,並藉由觀察運動學參數,描述手腳協調形式與其功能性。八名蝶泳專長之大專甲組運動員及八名蝶泳專長之大專乙組運動員利用兩台高速數位攝影機(200Hz)同步擷取記錄蝶泳一次週期之動作,再透過Kwon 3D動作分析系統進行各參數的分析運算,並以肩與膝關節之角度、角速度計算連續性相對相位。資料分析結果證實甲、乙組在速度上達顯著差異F(1,14)=21.336, p<.05,且組內也在不同速度呈現顯著差異, F(2,14)=5.056、F (2,14)= 6.720, p<.05。從連續性相對相位之結果可觀察到甲、乙組選手皆具有一下蝶手配上兩下蝶腳之基本協調型態(1:2),但甲組選手在各階段選手皆有較穩定的相位變化。從蝶泳週期中速度的變化與手腳動作之特徵,進行分析發現最大水平前進之速度產生之時機是在推水階段-手指線速度與第二次下踢-膝關節角速度最大時。此外,速度可能是改變蝶泳手腳協調重要參數之ㄧ,參與本實驗甲組選手在慢速度時其手部各階段時間百分比之分配有別於另外兩種速度現象,可能表示在慢速度時選手不擅於統籌其手與腳在有多餘時間中的協調,再推論至長距離蝶泳項目中選手前段配速的動作執行能力應多加強;乙組選手則有更大改進空間。
Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the difference of the arm-leg coordination patterns in the butterfly stroke between two levels of swimmers who were specialized in butterfly stroke at three race paces (50M, 100M and 200M). Eight division A college swimmers and eight division B college swimmers participated in the study. Two high-speed cameras (200 Hz) which were placed underwater and synchronized to capture the swimming movement. The kinematics data were digitized and calculated with the Kwon 3D software. The shoulder and knee joint angles were used to derive the continuousrelative phase and the timing difference between the arms’ entry to water and the occurrence of the first minimum knees angle was used for the discrete relative phase. The results show that there were significant difference between two levels, F(1,14)=21.336, p<.05 and three difference velocity in each group, F(2,14)=5.056、F(2,14)=6.720. Although both levels of swimmers demonstrated a 1 to 2 ratio between the arms and the legs movement, division A swimmers had a more consistent relative phase among different pace and among different stages of the cycle. For the discrete relative phase, the difference between performance levels was only found significant at the lowest pace. Additionally, the forward velocity of one stroke cycle is not constant. The peak velocity occured in the push phase coincided with the peak angular velocity of knee joints and the peak hand linear velocity. In conclusion, the velocity can be an important control parameter in butterfly arm to leg coordination. The relative time of the 4 arm stroke phases and the relative time of the 4 leg kicking phases within a stroke cycle appeared to be a different coordination in the lowest pace for the division A swimmers, that might indicate an inefficient coordination in swimming the slow pace and more work need to be done to improve the coordination .



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