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文化資產是一個國家文化承續的實體表現,而古蹟是文化資產中最豐富且最吸引我們的一項;不同年代的古蹟,具有該時期之特色與風格。保存古蹟,即保存人類之歷史文化,為現今世界文明國家社會建設、文化建設與都市計畫一致努力追求的目標。 台灣經濟成長,於國際間佔有一席之地,但國家社會的發展大多重視經濟效益,忽略了民眾的生活空間與土地的歷史、文化。環顧四週的環境,實在很難捕捉到有關歷史的觸感;馬路一條條地拓寬,老房子一間間地拆除,重要的史蹟卻一一地消失。我們的居住環境盡是冰冷、無情的鋼筋、混凝土或玻璃帷幕的水泥叢林,滿街令人眼花撩亂的招牌,那負起歷史傳承的古蹟文化,幾儘淹沒其中。 本研究探討重點,從文化資產的保存與維護內涵、原則、價值及要領;古蹟政策制度、法理依據、主管機關與台北市文化局近年來作為的探討;以至於臺北市古蹟保存與維護問題、困境及改進方向之檢討研究;並檢視台北市古蹟保存與維護之現況與進展。 本研究建議:(1)古蹟保存與維護及再利用推向文化經營層面,作為一個文化教育的場所;(2)透過社區教育、地方居民認同,帶來地方發展契機;(3)法令與政策隨時空變遷,彈性修改;(4)確立古蹟主管機關權責,建立政府與民眾協調機制;(5)政府重視古蹟、活化古蹟、古蹟再利用,為國內古蹟保存運動的另一個思考方向。
Cultural property is solid representative of the continuity of a country, while the historical monuments are the most attractive items in related with it. We understand that each kind of historical monuments represent different stage of development by means of its particular nature. As a result, the advanced countries are ensuring to keep its historical heritage in line with its on-going modern social activities, cultural developments and city planning. In respect of economy, Taiwan gains a predominant place in the international community. But the government over emphasized the economic effects and lack of concern the environment of living space linking with our historic cultures. Nowadays we can see nothing but modern skyscrapers while the old buildings and historical monuments have been demolished in order to enlarge the roads. We are living in a cruel environment that make up of concrete/steel buildings, glass wall buildings and colorful signboards. All of these will destroy our cultural heritage gradually. This article is to elucidate the following things: Firstly, the implication, principle and necessity of the preservation of cultural property; Secondly, the legal ground, the policy and doings of Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taipei; Thirdly, the questions and plight about the preservation of cultural heritage; And lastly, the existing system and improvement progress on the preservation of cultural heritage by the Taipei authorities. We suggest 1) To promote culture developments to deal with the preservation and appropriate adaptable re-use of historical monuments and make it as milieu for cultural education; 2) The preservation of cultural heritages may be an opportunity to bring out the thriving for community; 3) To make the regulations and policies more flexible to deal with from time to time; 4) To assure the power and the responsibility of the relevant authorities and build the coordinative mechanism for the people; 5) To value, revitalize and appropriate adaptable re-use of historical monuments in various profitable business aspects for producing other approach of the preservation movement.



古蹟, 古蹟保存, 古蹟維護, 古蹟再利用, Historical Monuments, Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Re-use of Historical Monuments

