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愛德華‧薩依德 (Edward Wadie Said, 1935-2003),當代國際上具有影響力的文化與文學學者;1957年畢業於美國普林斯頓大學,1960年與1964年先後取得美國哈佛大學英文碩士、博士學位,1963年起任教於美國哥倫比亞大學,教授英語與比較文學。薩依德長期以知識分子的身分參與巴勒斯坦的政治活動,同時執筆不輟,發表多本論著、研究,開啟了後殖民理論的濫觴;除此之外,薩依德也是一位音樂評論家,他學習鋼琴、研究歌劇、談論音樂,一生都牽繫著音樂,並在晚年時創辦了「西東詩集管弦樂團」(West-Eastern Divan Orchestra),關注了中東的音樂教育,並將音樂興趣實踐於樂團發展、推廣之上。
本研究將完整探討薩依德的音樂養成與經驗,窺探他如何從對音樂的興趣,發展至對音樂的闡發與貢獻,例如:發表音樂評論、在美國加州大學爾灣分校的韋禮克圖書館系列講座發表批判文學與音樂學的跨領域演講,以及在學術著述上援引音樂為例,或音樂內容為證等等;在最後一章將論述他與國際知名鋼琴家與指揮家巴倫波因 (Daniel Barenboim, 1942- ) 的音樂合作,尤其是在1999年他們攜手創立了管弦樂團,讓多國的年輕音樂家,透過跨文化的音樂合作,達到和平對話的願望。
Edward Wadie Said (1935-2003), one of the most influential cultural and literary scholars on contemporary, graduated from Princeton University (the United States) in 1957. He has gotten MA in English literature from Harvard University in 1960 and PhD in English literature from Columbia University in 1964, and taught English and Comparative Literature in Columbia University from 1963. Said had been participated Palestinian political activities over ten years as an intellectual, while didn’t stop writing and published many books and research, opened Post-colonial theory. In addition, Said was also a music critic. He learnt how to play piano, studied opera, discussed about music; he was involved in music in his whole life. He founded the “West-Eastern Divan Orchestra” in his later years, also expended much time and thought on musical education in the Middle East, and put his musical interest in practice by developing and promoting the Orchestra. This study will expound Said’s musical experiences abundantly and exquisitely, and also make a thorough inquiry how Said heading his musical experiences to musical elaborations and contributions, including many articles of music review and keynote speech (The Annual Wellek Library Lecture Series at the University of California, Irvine) of cross-subject between Comparative Literature and Musicology, citing scholarly writings from musical example, using music as evidence…etc. In last chapter, this study will elaborate the collaboration between internationally renowned pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim (1942- ) and Said in music. Especially they established an orchestra to let the young musicians all around the world have cross-cultural cooperation through the music to achieve peaceful dialogue in 1999. Using a Palestinian-American intellectual as an example, this study hope to give Taiwanese Musicology study a trivial contribution to broaden the possibility of contemplation through other cultures, nation’s issues and successful examples of important international perspectives and scholars.
Edward Wadie Said (1935-2003), one of the most influential cultural and literary scholars on contemporary, graduated from Princeton University (the United States) in 1957. He has gotten MA in English literature from Harvard University in 1960 and PhD in English literature from Columbia University in 1964, and taught English and Comparative Literature in Columbia University from 1963. Said had been participated Palestinian political activities over ten years as an intellectual, while didn’t stop writing and published many books and research, opened Post-colonial theory. In addition, Said was also a music critic. He learnt how to play piano, studied opera, discussed about music; he was involved in music in his whole life. He founded the “West-Eastern Divan Orchestra” in his later years, also expended much time and thought on musical education in the Middle East, and put his musical interest in practice by developing and promoting the Orchestra. This study will expound Said’s musical experiences abundantly and exquisitely, and also make a thorough inquiry how Said heading his musical experiences to musical elaborations and contributions, including many articles of music review and keynote speech (The Annual Wellek Library Lecture Series at the University of California, Irvine) of cross-subject between Comparative Literature and Musicology, citing scholarly writings from musical example, using music as evidence…etc. In last chapter, this study will elaborate the collaboration between internationally renowned pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim (1942- ) and Said in music. Especially they established an orchestra to let the young musicians all around the world have cross-cultural cooperation through the music to achieve peaceful dialogue in 1999. Using a Palestinian-American intellectual as an example, this study hope to give Taiwanese Musicology study a trivial contribution to broaden the possibility of contemplation through other cultures, nation’s issues and successful examples of important international perspectives and scholars.
薩依德, 音樂評論, 音樂的闡發, 西東詩集管弦樂團, 巴倫波因, Edward W. Said, Music Criticism, Musical Elaborations, West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim