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為有效地回收加諸於車體迎風面之風阻耗能,以提昇整車系統之能源效率,故本論文提出以風力發電原理為基礎之輔助型車用發電系統,藉此提昇整車能源效率之穩定供電系統。 本研究係根據汽車之風阻係數、風能狀況、車輛高度的需求,利用VISIO軟體撰寫成一套發電機設計流程,自行設計風力發電系統進行發電機參數設計與調整,來提高負載效率。其次,藉由風速所擷取不穩定輸入機械轉矩,得到小變化變動的電功率特性;但尚屬穩定特性,故只要風速環境適合及車輛風力發電機系統組機械控制得當,車輛風力發電系統將是未來再生能源發展主流。為了避免複雜的實驗數據,利用分析軟體分析發電機在不同風速下之輸出電壓、電流與功率。並探討不同變項與風扇業片種類的差異情形,依據實驗結果與前述之邏輯論證做比對,以歸納出最適合之系統。
For effectively recycling the power of upwind resistance in a car to enhance the energy efficiency of the car system, this thesis provides an auxiliary generator system for car use employing a wind power theory, thereby enhancing energy efficiency in the car system with stable power supply. Referring to wind resistance coefficient in the car, condition of wind energy, height requirement in the car, a generator designing process of this research is written in VISIO software. In the invention, a wind power generator system is designed, in which generator coefficient can be set and adjusted to increase the load efficiency. Secondly, by the unstable input mechanical torque acquired by wind speed, an electrical power with minor variations can be obtained. Since the electrical power is still considered stable, as long as the wind speed is suitable, and the wind power generator system is properly controlled, the wind power generator system for car use will be the trend of energy recycling development in the future. To avoid complicated experiment data, an analyzing software is used to examine the output voltage, electrical current and power of the generator in different wind speeds. Also, the condition of different fan type and other variables are discussed by comparing the experiment data with the forgoing logic argument, to find the most suitable system.



能源, 再生能源, 風力發電機, energy, renewable energy, wind machine





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