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古肖形印,亦稱形肖印、生肖印、象形印或圖案印、畫印、封臘印、封泥印。這些有別于文字印的璽印反映的內容十分廣泛,有描繪當時人們狩獵、搏獸、戰騎、飼禽、牛耕等情景以及鼓瑟彈琴、歌舞伎樂、車馬出行、乘龍跨虎等生動場面。但最常見的是虎、馬、鹿、羊、熊、龍、兔、駝、鵲、鷺、雞、魚、龜等動物,少數如駝鳥、犀牛等罕見的外來珍禽異獸也時有所見。肖形印的用途,主要是用作封識木竹制的牘函,或作避邪、祥瑞、敬神之物,也有佩之賞玩的。 印章的研究及有文化得藝術價值,各代印章都有其特色,基於種類繁多,字體印刻已有多人研究,本研究針對肖形印特質、意義、內涵進行設計創作之元素。肖形印既可以圖畫的形式入印,亦可以圖畫文字並存的方式入印,還可以抽象化的圖案出現。兼容了繪畫、書法、篆刻等諸多獨立的審美特點,為藝術家提供了開闊的審美視野,也為設計家提供了創造力的啟發。藝術與設計的結合,等於美學創造文化內涵深層具體意義。 「生肖.形印」創作兩組不同風格十二生肖圖文創作: 一、運用刀法、章法用傳統方式表現現代肖形印,加上文圖設計出標準字的趣味。 二、融合文字與簡化線條,將十二生肖圖案結合於迷宮趣味之中,亦可一一呈現,分朱佈白概念,印身材質以透明壓克力取代木頭或石材,呈現肖形印新的創意。 研究結果: 一、傳統肖形印與現在設計轉換 二、在肖形印章法、刀法美中的融合 三、現在設計的應用於空間設計創作體現
The Chinese image stamp also named animals symbolizing stamp, pictograph stamp, pattern stamp, picture stamp or sealing stamp. The image stamp can describe various of lively activities, such as hunting, battling with animal, fighting, feeding birds and beasts, farming, singing and dancing, even riding dragon or tiger is common. Every dynasty has various stamps and with difference characterisics. Since there are many theses research on "character" stamp, my study will stress the meaning of "image stamp" and its characteristic. Image stamp not only has pattern style but also has hieroglyph type. This kind of stamp combined aesthetics of painting, calligraphy and carving, its unique style developing the view for artist and designer to create their work. "The Chinese zodiac ink stamp " create two types of style for Chinese zodiac mark: 1.Using engraving skill and composition to design modern image tamp, in addition, article and picture present the interest of logotype. 2.Belending characters and simple line, the pattern of Chinesse zodiac can present traditional conception as well. Instead stone or wooe, the material of stamp is replacedy by transparent acrylic to show the new creation of the image stamp. Reserch Result: 1.The transformation of the Chinese zodiac ink stamp and modern design 2.The Chinese zodiac ink stamp blend composition adn carving method into beautiful state 3.The application of modern design that represent in space design



肖形印, 現代設計, 十二生肖, The Chinese zodiac ink stamp, modern design, Chinese zodiac

