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Department od Education, NTNU


Whereas the educational systems of Japan and Taiwan are relatively alike, and the religious composition of the two societies are similarly plural in nature, it is more than reasonable to maintain that the religious─educational system and policy of Japan could offer significance insights for the planning of the same task in Taiwan. Since 1993, I have participated in the research project,“International Comparison of Religious Education and Policy, ” sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China;this paper presents a portion of the research result of that project. In the two years of research, I have attempted to grasp the current situation of religious education in Japan from four aspects. I first investigated (1)the historical background of religious─educational system and policy in terms of its embeddedness in the socio─cultural matrix. Then, I carried out(2)an examination of the legislative reasoning for the new post─war religious─educational institution and(3)an analysis of the school system, curricula, and teaching material. Finally, with the result from(4)fieldwork case study of eight high schools, I proceeded to re─examine the theory and practice of modern Japanese religious education, and to reconsider its advantage or lack of it and its prospect. The current religious─educational institution of Japan is inherited from one that was re-established at the end of World War II. This institution was so different from the pre-war one that it can be regarded as a total negation of and an all─new departure from the pre─war era. Understandably, the post─war democratic constitutional governments were all rather circumspect with regard to the administration of religious policy, lest errors of previous eras be repeated and thus incur public accusations. The present Japanese religious─educational policy can be characterized in a net─shell as“absolutely separation of the public and the private.” In other words, it is a solemn decree that public schools engage in


