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摘 要 本研究目的在探討創造力的認知運作歷程,筆者在整合過去認知取向的創造力模式後,並以近期認知科學發展的概念為基礎,建構認知取向的「多重結構多重處理模式」(MSMP) 。整體而言,MSMP創造模式可區分為「結構」 (structure) 與「處理」(processes) 兩個部份。其中還包含了次結構 (sub-structures) 及次歷程 (sub-processes) 、內隱 (implicit) 及外顯 (explicit) 認知的運作,基本上,創造活動是「結構」與「處理」互動的結果。基於MSMP模式的思考,本研究進行7個實驗來探討「激發與抑制」及「內隱與外顯認知」對創造力的影響。依據MSMP模式的假設,當激發優勢基模,則其它基模的激發會受到抑制,則創造力將較低;若降低優勢基模的激發,則其它基模的抑制將減小,創造力則會提升。因此,實驗1、2操作增加及降低優勢基模激發,發現在新編創造思考測驗表現上,當操作增加優勢基模之激發將會抑制其它無關基模,而創造力降低。而操作降低優勢基模之激發將會減少抑制其它無關基模,創造力將會提升。由實驗1、2實驗結果可知,激發與抑制在創造力表現上扮演重要的角色。MSMP模式也主張,創造力的認知歷程包含了內隱及外顯的認知處理,為了驗證此假設,以操作內隱或外顯處理,並觀察其對內隱及外顯作業的影響。若內隱的認知處理 (獨變項) 只影響內隱作業,而不影響外顯作業,及外顯的認知處理 (獨變項) 只影響外顯作業,而不影響內隱作業,則可以推測這兩個作業是分別倚賴兩個獨立分離的心理機制,因此,實驗假設當操弄內隱處理時只會影響內隱作業的表現,而不會影響外顯作業的表現,而當操弄外顯處理時,則反之。實驗3至5分別探究「時間觀點」(temporal perspective)、「正負向情緒」及「動機焦點」(motivation focus) 等內隱促發因素對創造力的影響。實驗3、4結果發現,時間觀點、正負向情緒的內隱促發的操作只影響內隱作業或內隱外顯兼具的作業表現,但不影響外顯作業表現。實驗5結果發現動機焦點的內隱促發只影響內隱作業或內隱外顯兼具作業的表現,但不影響外顯作業表現的預測獲部分的支持。實驗6主要操弄外顯主觀標準對內隱及外顯創造作業的影響,而實驗7為操弄外顯的創造策略教導對內隱、外顯作業的影響,實驗6、7結果發現,外顯的主觀標準、創造策略教導操作只影響外顯作業或內隱外顯兼具的作業,但不影響內隱作業的假設獲得大部分的支持。由實驗3至7可知,內隱的促發只會影響內隱,或內隱外顯兼具的作業,但不影響外顯的作業,而外顯的主觀標準高低、創造策略教導不影響內隱作業,但會影響外顯或內隱外顯兼具的作業,由此支持創造力包含了內隱及外顯認知歷程。本研究成果未來可以做為創造力課程或教育實務的參考,俾有效培養及提升個體創造力。 關鍵詞:內隱與外顯、主觀標準、正負向情緒、多重結構多重處理模式、時間觀點、創造策略、動機焦點、激發與抑制
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognitive process of creativity. A “Multiple Structures and Multiple Processes model (MSMP)” was built up based on the concepts of contemporary cognitive psychology and modern creative theories. In general, MSMP could be divided into two parts, one is “Structure” and the other is “Process”, and it assumed that creative behavior is the interaction of the two. According to the prediction of MSMP, seven experiments were conducted in this study to testify two assumptions, including the influences of “activation or inhibition of priority schema” and “the implicit and explicit cognition” on creativity. Experiment 1 and 2 were conducted to testify the first assumption, assuming that when the priority scheme is activated, other schema would be inhibited, thus reduced the performance of creativity, and vice versa. The results showed that when the priority scheme was activated and other schema were inhibited, participants’ performance on New Creativity Test would get worse, whereas when the priority scheme was inhibited and other schema were less inhibited, participants’ performance on New Creativity Test would get better. Experiment 3 to 5, investigating the influence of implicit cognition on creative behaviors such as the “temporal perspective”, “positive and negative emotion” and “motivation focus”, were used to testify the second assumption which suggests that the cognitive process of creativity includes both the implicit and explicit processes. The results of experiment 3 and 4 supported the assumption, showing that manipulating the implicit priming through using “temporal perspective” and “positive and negative emotion” only influenced the implicit task and the hybrid of implicit and explicit tasks but not the explicit task. The result of experiment 5 supported the hypothesis partially through using “motivation focus” to manipulate the implicit priming. As to experiment 6 and 7, “subjective standard” was manipulated (experiment 6) and the creative strategies were instructed (experiment 7) to influence participants’ performance on implicit and explicit tasks. The results demonstrated that the subjective standard and the creative strategies only influenced participants’ performance on the hybrid of the explicit and implicit tasks but not the implicit task. According to experiment 3 to 7, it was found that the implicit priming would only influence the implicit task or the hybrid of implicit and explicit tasks but not the explicit task. It was also found that the explicit subjective standard and creative strategies instruction would only influence the hybrid of implicit and explicit tasks but not the implicit task. The results supported that the cognitive process of creativity includes both the explicit and implicit processes. The research could be applied on creative curriculum and education practice in the future. KEY WORDS: activation and inhibition, creative strategies, implicit and explicit processes, motivation focus, Multiple Structures and Multiple Processes model, positive and negative emotion, temporal perspective, subjective standard



內隱與外顯, 主觀標準, 正負向情緒, 多重結構多重處理模式, 時間觀點, 創造策略, 動機焦點, 激發與抑制, activation and inhibition, creative strategies, implicit and explicit processes, motivation focus, Multiple Structures and Multiple Processes model, positive and negative emotion, temporal perspective, subjective standard

