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本研究目的為探討青少年對家庭教育的學習需求,以作為學校實施家庭教育之參考。研究對象為臺北市、新北市、宜蘭縣、臺中市及高雄市之國中、高中的日間部在學青少年,以問卷調查方式,透過方便取樣得有效問卷666份。研究工具包含「個人基本資料」及「青少年家庭教育需求量表」;其中青少年家庭教育之內涵包含「社會中的個人與家庭」、「家庭動力」、「生命歷程中的人類成長與發展」、「人類的性」、「人際關係」、「家庭資源管理」、「親職教育與指導」、「家庭法律與公共政策」和「倫理與道德」等九個構面。所得資料以SPSS 19.0統計軟體,進行描述統計、t檢定、皮爾遜積差相關及單因子變異數分析處理。研究結果如下: 一、青少年對家庭教育整體具有學習需求,且高中生之學習需求高於國中生。 二、青少年對家庭教育之重要程度看法顯著高於想學程度,且兩者為正相關。 三、國中生很想學習之議題面向為「人際關係」,想學人數超過90% 之學習議題為「友誼的建立、維持與結束」;想學程度最低之面向為「社會中的個人與家庭」,想學人數低於50% 之學習議題為「宗教和信仰對家庭的影響」、「家庭的規則、傳統、歷史與節慶」。 四、高中生很想學習之議題面向為「人際關係」、「家庭資源管理」、「生命歷程中的人類成長與發展」、「人類的性」與「家庭動力」,想學人數超過90% 之學習議題為「家人情感的經營與表達」、「處理家庭內部的變化與壓力」、「人際溝通」、「友誼的建立、維持與結束」以及「建立自己與他人的自尊與自信」;想學程度最低之面向為「家庭法律與公共政策」,想學人數低於50% 之學習議題為「宗教和信仰對家庭的影響」。 五、不同就學區域、性別或家庭背景之青少年,對家庭教育部分學習議題之學習需求有差異。 依據上述結果,提出相關建議予學校教育及未來研究作為參考。
This study is intended to explore the learning needs of adolescents on family life education. A questionnaire survey was conducted with the convenience sampling technique, targeting junior and senior high school students in Taipei city, New Taipei city, Yilan County, Taichung City, and Kaohsiung City. A total of 666 valid samples were obtained. The research instruments consisted of basic demographic information and the learning needs scale on family life education of adolescents. The connotation of the learning needs scale constituted of 9 dimensions: “Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts,” “Internal Dynamics of Families,” “Human Growth& Development Across the Life Span,” “Human Sexuality,” “Interpersonal Relationships,” “Family Resource Management,” “Parent Education & Guidance,” “Family Law and Public Policy,” and “Ethics and Morality.” The resultant data was analyzed with the SPSS 19.0 statistical software. The statistical methods included descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, the Pearson product-moment correlation, and one-way ANOVA. The findings are summarized as follows: 1. Adolescents do have learning needs on family life education. The learning needs of senior high school students are stronger than those of junior high school students. 2. The importance of learning is higher than the willingness to learn, but they are positively correlated. 3. Junior high school students would like to learn more in the dimension of “Interpersonal Relationships.” They are highly interested in exploring “Initiating, maintaining, and ending friendships” issue. They are most unwilling to learn issues about “Influence of religion and spirituality on families” and “Family history, tradition, celebrations and rules.” 4. Senior high school students would like to learn more in the dimensions of “Interpersonal Relationships,” “Family Resource Management,” “Human Growth& Development Across the Life Span,” “Human Sexuality,” and “Internal Dynamics of Families.” They are highly interested in exploring “Managing and expressing feelings in families,” “Coping with internal change and stress in the family,” “Interpersonal communication,”“Initiating, maintaining, and ending friendships,” and “Building self-esteem and self-confidence in self and others” issues. The issue they are least interested is “Influence of religion and spirituality on families.” Based on the aforementioned findings, this study provides pertinent suggestions for school education and future research.



青少年, 家庭教育, 學習需求, 國中生, 高中生, adolescents, family life education, learning needs, junior high school students, senior high school students

