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5.學生的聽力成績在學年初和學年末有大幅進步,可推論在經過一年外籍助教提供大量真實的語言輸入(authentic input)之下而讓學生的聽力有所進展。
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of foreign teaching assistants (FTAs) on EFL junior high learners’ language learning. Research questions were posed to explore young learners’ motivation towards English learning and listening anxiety at the initial and end of the school year, and how learners’ English listening performance changes while they are exposed to FTAs. One hundred and five seventh graders in two junior high schools in northern Taiwan participated in this study. Learners’ motivation toward English learning and listening anxiety were investigated in initial and later questionnaires (combining motivation and listening anxiety scales). Their listening performance was evaluated by the first and the second listening tests. The paired-sample t-test was used to analyze the learners’ questionnaires and listening performance at the beginning and end of the school year. In addition, classroom observations, interviews, and informal conversations were employed to gain more specific information toward learners’ English-learning motivation, listening anxiety and the influence of FTAs on learners’ listening abilities. The results can be summarized as follows: First, the learners’ learning motivation slightly decreased from the initial towards the end of the school year. When further analyzing the statements, the findings showed that the pressure of the final exam, the classroom seating arrangement, gradually getting used to FTAs’ teaching methods, the inappropriate level of challenge, FTAs speaking too fast, not being acquainted with foreigners well enough, cultural difference in teaching styles, and encountering much more intricate aspects of culture learning were the possible reasons for the students’ lower learning motivation in general. Second, boys had more improved items in the second motivation scale than girls at the end of the school year, which suggested that the presence of FTAs could be a way of improving male students’ English learning motivation. Third, learners’ reduced listening anxiety after the presence of FTAs for one year might attribute to more exposed to spoken English through English medium instruction. Moreover, FTAs also contribute to creating a meaningful communication environment as well as using visualization in instruction. Fourth, one issue related to vocabulary as a source of listening anxiety was identified in the qualitative data. Finally, long-term exposure to the authentic input of target language provided byFTAs could be the possible reason for learners’ improved listening performance at the end of the school year. In the end of the study, some theoretical and pedagogical implications were provided for the impact of foreign teaching assistants on young EFL learners’ in Taiwan.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of foreign teaching assistants (FTAs) on EFL junior high learners’ language learning. Research questions were posed to explore young learners’ motivation towards English learning and listening anxiety at the initial and end of the school year, and how learners’ English listening performance changes while they are exposed to FTAs. One hundred and five seventh graders in two junior high schools in northern Taiwan participated in this study. Learners’ motivation toward English learning and listening anxiety were investigated in initial and later questionnaires (combining motivation and listening anxiety scales). Their listening performance was evaluated by the first and the second listening tests. The paired-sample t-test was used to analyze the learners’ questionnaires and listening performance at the beginning and end of the school year. In addition, classroom observations, interviews, and informal conversations were employed to gain more specific information toward learners’ English-learning motivation, listening anxiety and the influence of FTAs on learners’ listening abilities. The results can be summarized as follows: First, the learners’ learning motivation slightly decreased from the initial towards the end of the school year. When further analyzing the statements, the findings showed that the pressure of the final exam, the classroom seating arrangement, gradually getting used to FTAs’ teaching methods, the inappropriate level of challenge, FTAs speaking too fast, not being acquainted with foreigners well enough, cultural difference in teaching styles, and encountering much more intricate aspects of culture learning were the possible reasons for the students’ lower learning motivation in general. Second, boys had more improved items in the second motivation scale than girls at the end of the school year, which suggested that the presence of FTAs could be a way of improving male students’ English learning motivation. Third, learners’ reduced listening anxiety after the presence of FTAs for one year might attribute to more exposed to spoken English through English medium instruction. Moreover, FTAs also contribute to creating a meaningful communication environment as well as using visualization in instruction. Fourth, one issue related to vocabulary as a source of listening anxiety was identified in the qualitative data. Finally, long-term exposure to the authentic input of target language provided byFTAs could be the possible reason for learners’ improved listening performance at the end of the school year. In the end of the study, some theoretical and pedagogical implications were provided for the impact of foreign teaching assistants on young EFL learners’ in Taiwan.
動機, 聽力焦慮, 聽力表現, 英語為第二外語學習者, 外籍助教, 本國老師, 英語協同教學, Motivation, Listening Anxiety, Listening Performance, EFL learners, foreign teaching assistants (FTAs), local English teachers (LETs), English co-teaching