數位版權描述語言─ODRL、XrML、MPEG-21 REL之比較研究
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本研究旨在比較ODRL、XrML與MPEG-21 REL這三種數位版權描述語言,期能作為管理版權時,選擇描述語言之參考。本文先以文獻來分析數位版權管理的相關環節,包含版權的概念、電子商務經營模式及數位版權管理,並探討數位版權管理系統的運作模式及其所使用的技術,再以AAP提出的數位版權管理模式與cIDF所規劃的流通平台來探究數位版權管理的全貌。
此外,本研究描述並解釋ODRL、XrML與MPEG-21 RE這L三種版權描述語言,包含其發展緣起、設計理念、語言之內涵、語言之架構等,以期充分明瞭這三種數位版權描述語言。最後則利用併排的方式來比較這三種語言,包含語言特性、語言之結構與元素、語言之版權描述能力及其應用現況等這四個面向。
In this study, we compared three kinds of the digital rights expression languages, ODRL, XrML, and MPEG-21 REL. We reviewed literature about the current situations of digital rights management, including its concepts, electronic business models, and digital rights. Also, we discussed an operation models of the digital rights management systems. From the AAP’s model and the cIDF’s circulation platform, we acquired the panorama of the digital rights management. Moreover, we described and explained these three digital rights expression languages, including their developments, design reasons and structures. Finally, we compared ODRL, XrML, and MPEG-21 REL by 4 dimensions: their characteristics, structures and elements, capabilities of rights expression, and applications. From the results of this study, we found that the digital rights expression languages are used primarily to describe the digital rights in the digital rights management system. Besides, the key elements of rights expression are: subjects, resources, rights and limits. The digital rights expression languages also impact their applications due to their own characteristics, structures and elements. This study offers future research directions. Further researches could focus on different needs of various users, the conversions of these three languages, integrated platforms, and issues related to the digital rights management.
In this study, we compared three kinds of the digital rights expression languages, ODRL, XrML, and MPEG-21 REL. We reviewed literature about the current situations of digital rights management, including its concepts, electronic business models, and digital rights. Also, we discussed an operation models of the digital rights management systems. From the AAP’s model and the cIDF’s circulation platform, we acquired the panorama of the digital rights management. Moreover, we described and explained these three digital rights expression languages, including their developments, design reasons and structures. Finally, we compared ODRL, XrML, and MPEG-21 REL by 4 dimensions: their characteristics, structures and elements, capabilities of rights expression, and applications. From the results of this study, we found that the digital rights expression languages are used primarily to describe the digital rights in the digital rights management system. Besides, the key elements of rights expression are: subjects, resources, rights and limits. The digital rights expression languages also impact their applications due to their own characteristics, structures and elements. This study offers future research directions. Further researches could focus on different needs of various users, the conversions of these three languages, integrated platforms, and issues related to the digital rights management.
數位版權, 數位版權管理, 數位版權描述語言, ODRL, XrML, MPEG-21 REL, digital rights, digital rights management, digital rights expression language, ODRL, XrML, MPEG-21 REL