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為達研究目的,本研究以文件分析(Document Analysis)及深度訪談法(In-depth Interview Method)作為主要之研究方法,文獻分析主要用以探討童軍訓練員之歷史背景與發展現況、童軍訓練員專業素養,以及相關研究;深度訪談法是選取12位中華民國童軍總會國家研習營內資深童軍訓練員為受訪對象,透過預先設定之半結構訪談大綱進行深度訪談,訪談後整理訪談內容,進行編碼、歸納及分析,主要在於蒐集童軍訓練員專業素養之內容,並將與學者專家訪談的內容歸納彙整,最後提出研究結果與發現提出下列結論:
The quality of scout leaders is one of the key factors for the development of scouting movement in Taiwan. The task of Scout Trainer is to train scout leaders, so the Scout Trainers must have professional literacy. The purpose of this study is to discuss the content of professional literacy of Scout Trainers and how to integrate them into the current training curriculum. The researcher used document analysis and in-depth interview to collect data. The researcher firstly reviewed concerned document to understand the history background and current situation of Scout Trainers. The research made interview with 12 leader trainers of the National Training Team in Taiwan. The researcher collected data from these interviews, and used qualitative research method to analysis it. The researcher made the following conclusions according to the research outcomes. 1.The researcher found that the sex, age and location of Scout Trainers are not in balance. The implementation of training program is lack of flexibility. 2.The professional literacy for Scout Trainers includes professional knowledge, professional attitude, professional organization operation and professional ethics. 3.The current training curriculums for Scout Trainers are just for the conducting of Wood Badge Training Basic Course and Advanced Course only. It should include leadership, management, learning, and cooperation with concerned organizations for the promotion of scouting movement. 4.The researcher also makes suggestion for the life long learning of Scout Trainers according to the research outcomes and findings. Last, the researcher makes several suggestions to Scout Trainer, Scout Organization and concerned organization for their consideration.
The quality of scout leaders is one of the key factors for the development of scouting movement in Taiwan. The task of Scout Trainer is to train scout leaders, so the Scout Trainers must have professional literacy. The purpose of this study is to discuss the content of professional literacy of Scout Trainers and how to integrate them into the current training curriculum. The researcher used document analysis and in-depth interview to collect data. The researcher firstly reviewed concerned document to understand the history background and current situation of Scout Trainers. The research made interview with 12 leader trainers of the National Training Team in Taiwan. The researcher collected data from these interviews, and used qualitative research method to analysis it. The researcher made the following conclusions according to the research outcomes. 1.The researcher found that the sex, age and location of Scout Trainers are not in balance. The implementation of training program is lack of flexibility. 2.The professional literacy for Scout Trainers includes professional knowledge, professional attitude, professional organization operation and professional ethics. 3.The current training curriculums for Scout Trainers are just for the conducting of Wood Badge Training Basic Course and Advanced Course only. It should include leadership, management, learning, and cooperation with concerned organizations for the promotion of scouting movement. 4.The researcher also makes suggestion for the life long learning of Scout Trainers according to the research outcomes and findings. Last, the researcher makes several suggestions to Scout Trainer, Scout Organization and concerned organization for their consideration.
童軍訓練員, 專業素養, Scout Trainer, Professional Literacy