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此研究的目的為探討台灣學習者和大陸學習者的英語動名詞搭配詞常用的使用錯誤,並深入探討和比較台灣和大陸學習者動名詞搭配詞錯誤的類型和可能的原因。研究方法是利用半自動的方法來快速抓取學習者的錯誤動名詞搭配詞,所研究的語料庫為180多萬字的台灣學習者語料庫,以及約340萬字的大陸學習者的語料庫。研究者首先整理出動名詞搭配詞所有可能的排序,使用Monoconc抓取出動名詞的語料,並利用Perl程式,來比對學習者和英語母語人士(BNC)的動名詞語料,第一步過濾出學習者可能的錯誤動名詞搭配詞。接著,研究者用人工的方式,進一步過濾這些可能的錯誤動名詞搭配詞,透過和許多字典、工具書和語料庫和網站的人工比對後,得到學習者真正的錯誤動名詞搭配詞。研究結果發現,台灣學習者的常用錯誤動名詞搭配詞為210個,大陸學習者的常用錯誤動名詞搭配詞為268個,且每個錯誤動名詞搭配詞皆重複出現至少三次。此外,結果顯示台灣和大陸學習者的錯誤動名詞搭配詞有百分之十相同,且傾向誤用以下的搭配詞: *know, *learn, *catch, *make, *get, *use, *develop, *hold, *search, *cause, *take, *transfer, *keep, *bring。然而,台灣學習者較常誤用以下搭配詞: *watch, *receive, *memorize, *improve, *read, *lose, *write, *accept, *conduct, *offer,而大陸學習者較常誤用以下搭配詞: *realize, *meet, *achieve, *beat, *win, *own, *draggle, *pay, *follow, *notice, *judge, *put, *cost, *need, *advocate, *exchange, *overcome, *give, *control。在台灣和大陸的錯誤搭配詞中,動詞的使用錯誤為最常出現的類型,母語遷移為最有可能造成錯誤搭配詞的主要原因,然而,此研究發現台灣學習者出現較多以溝通策略為基礎的搭配詞錯誤,而大陸學習者則出現較多教學上誤導的搭配詞錯誤。本研究所發現的學習者搭配詞錯誤,能夠應用在英語教學教材和書籍,來編輯適用於台灣和大陸學習者英語搭配詞學習的教材,以及能夠擴充和應用在英語教學網站和軟體內的學習者錯誤語料庫(error library)、學習者字典和搭配詞測驗。最後,本研究希望可以幫助台灣和大陸的英語教師,更深入了解台灣和大陸學習者的動名詞搭配詞錯誤,並能夠協助英語教師在搭配詞教學上,挑選出學習者常犯的錯誤搭配詞進行教學。
This study aims to investigate Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocations by the method of semi-automatic data extraction in Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ English corpora. In the previous research, the verb-noun miscollocations found were mostly identified manually by many English teachers and researchers, and it took much time, including several years, for English teachers and researchers to extract learners’ errors (Liu, 2002; Gui and Yang, 2003). The process of manual identification was quite time-consuming and incomplete, and it is possible that some verb-noun miscollocations were left out because non-native English teachers cannot pay attention to the subtle collocational errors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocations by a more efficient method, and to (1) investigate Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ common verb-noun miscollocations, and to further compare the data found in between Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ corpora; (2) find the types of verb-noun miscollocations made by Taiwanese and Chinese learners, and to further compare the types of verb-noun miscollocations made by both sample populations; (3) find the possible causes contributing to Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocations, and to further compare the identified causes contributing to both sample populations. The method used to extract learners’ verb-noun miscollocations was a semi-automatic data extraction method. A tagged Taiwanese learners’ corpus, 1886602 words, and a tagged Chinese learners’ corpus, about 3.4 million words, were investigated. The tools of Monoconc, Perl and the tagged English native speakers’ corpus, BNC, were adopted to help the researcher extract learners’ suspicious verb-noun miscollocations. First of all, the researcher generated thirty-three verb-noun collocation patterns, and used the patterns to retrieve verb-noun linguistic items from the Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ corpora and BNC. Afterwards, Perl was used to compare and delete the same verb-noun linguistic items existing in both learner corpora and BNC. Thus, the verb-noun linguistic items that were left behind in the remaining data were the suspicious verb-noun miscollocations since they did not match the data occurring in English native speakers’ corpus, that is, BNC. Afterwards, with reference to dictionaries, the researcher reviewed the remaining data and excluded any irrelevant linguistic items that were not verb-noun miscollocations. After the human inspection, the real verb-noun miscollocations were obtained. The researcher further classified the real data, deciding the types and finding out the possible causes contributing to Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocaitons. The result showed that 210 Taiwanese and 268 Chinese learners’ common verb-noun miscollocations were found, and these identified verb-noun miscollocations occurred at least three times. In addition, we found that Taiwanese and Chinese students shared approximately ten percent of completely identical verb-noun miscollocations. Another finding in this study was both Taiwanese and Chinese students exhibited a tendency to misuse the following collocates: *know, *learn, *catch, *make, *get, *use, *develop, *hold, *search, *cause, *take, *transfer, *keep, and *bring. However, Taiwanese students were found to misuse the following collocates more frequently: *watch, *receive, *memorize, *improve, *read, *lose, *write, *accept, *conduct and *offer, whereas Chinese students were found to misuse the following collocates more frequently: *realize, *meet, *achieve, *beat, *win, *own, *draggle, *pay, *follow, *notice, *judge, *put, *cost, *need, *advocate, *exchange, *overcome, *give, and *control. On the other hand, wrong choice of verb and L1 transfer were found to be the most frequent type and cause respectively for both sample populations. Nevertheless, Taiwanese students made more communication strategy-based errors whereas Chinese students made more induced errors. The data found in this study could be used in the future English teaching materials, books, learners’ dictionaries, collocation tests, and error library of programs and websites for Englishteaching and learning. Moreover, the methodology, the semi-automatic data extraction method and the verb-noun collocation patterns generated in this study, could be adopted in the future corpus-based research. Finally, the types and causes proposed in this study could help English teachers in Taiwan and China better understand what kinds of difficulties learners might have and why they make certain types of verb-noun miscollocations. It is hoped that the data could help English teachers in Taiwan and China better understand students’ productions of verb-noun miscollocations, and help English teachers decide what verb-noun collocations to teach.
This study aims to investigate Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocations by the method of semi-automatic data extraction in Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ English corpora. In the previous research, the verb-noun miscollocations found were mostly identified manually by many English teachers and researchers, and it took much time, including several years, for English teachers and researchers to extract learners’ errors (Liu, 2002; Gui and Yang, 2003). The process of manual identification was quite time-consuming and incomplete, and it is possible that some verb-noun miscollocations were left out because non-native English teachers cannot pay attention to the subtle collocational errors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocations by a more efficient method, and to (1) investigate Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ common verb-noun miscollocations, and to further compare the data found in between Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ corpora; (2) find the types of verb-noun miscollocations made by Taiwanese and Chinese learners, and to further compare the types of verb-noun miscollocations made by both sample populations; (3) find the possible causes contributing to Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocations, and to further compare the identified causes contributing to both sample populations. The method used to extract learners’ verb-noun miscollocations was a semi-automatic data extraction method. A tagged Taiwanese learners’ corpus, 1886602 words, and a tagged Chinese learners’ corpus, about 3.4 million words, were investigated. The tools of Monoconc, Perl and the tagged English native speakers’ corpus, BNC, were adopted to help the researcher extract learners’ suspicious verb-noun miscollocations. First of all, the researcher generated thirty-three verb-noun collocation patterns, and used the patterns to retrieve verb-noun linguistic items from the Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ corpora and BNC. Afterwards, Perl was used to compare and delete the same verb-noun linguistic items existing in both learner corpora and BNC. Thus, the verb-noun linguistic items that were left behind in the remaining data were the suspicious verb-noun miscollocations since they did not match the data occurring in English native speakers’ corpus, that is, BNC. Afterwards, with reference to dictionaries, the researcher reviewed the remaining data and excluded any irrelevant linguistic items that were not verb-noun miscollocations. After the human inspection, the real verb-noun miscollocations were obtained. The researcher further classified the real data, deciding the types and finding out the possible causes contributing to Taiwanese and Chinese learners’ verb-noun miscollocaitons. The result showed that 210 Taiwanese and 268 Chinese learners’ common verb-noun miscollocations were found, and these identified verb-noun miscollocations occurred at least three times. In addition, we found that Taiwanese and Chinese students shared approximately ten percent of completely identical verb-noun miscollocations. Another finding in this study was both Taiwanese and Chinese students exhibited a tendency to misuse the following collocates: *know, *learn, *catch, *make, *get, *use, *develop, *hold, *search, *cause, *take, *transfer, *keep, and *bring. However, Taiwanese students were found to misuse the following collocates more frequently: *watch, *receive, *memorize, *improve, *read, *lose, *write, *accept, *conduct and *offer, whereas Chinese students were found to misuse the following collocates more frequently: *realize, *meet, *achieve, *beat, *win, *own, *draggle, *pay, *follow, *notice, *judge, *put, *cost, *need, *advocate, *exchange, *overcome, *give, and *control. On the other hand, wrong choice of verb and L1 transfer were found to be the most frequent type and cause respectively for both sample populations. Nevertheless, Taiwanese students made more communication strategy-based errors whereas Chinese students made more induced errors. The data found in this study could be used in the future English teaching materials, books, learners’ dictionaries, collocation tests, and error library of programs and websites for Englishteaching and learning. Moreover, the methodology, the semi-automatic data extraction method and the verb-noun collocation patterns generated in this study, could be adopted in the future corpus-based research. Finally, the types and causes proposed in this study could help English teachers in Taiwan and China better understand what kinds of difficulties learners might have and why they make certain types of verb-noun miscollocations. It is hoped that the data could help English teachers in Taiwan and China better understand students’ productions of verb-noun miscollocations, and help English teachers decide what verb-noun collocations to teach.
英語搭配詞, 錯誤搭配詞, 動名詞搭配詞, 學習者搭配詞, 學習者語料庫, collocation, miscollocation, collocation errors, verb-noun miscollocation, learner corpus, learner corpora