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本文以台灣竹笛音樂為研究主軸,並著重於音樂資料的保存與音樂作品的發展。在資料收集的部份以田野調查、書面資料與網路資料彙整,內容除了紀錄竹笛音樂在歷史上的發展與資料出版的部份之外,並分析音樂展演與比賽檢定中的竹笛樂曲。 筆者將本文時間設定為1949年至2008年,1949年逢國民政府遷台之際,國樂也隨之來台,台灣的竹笛音樂也在此時萌芽,且發展茁壯至今(2008),許多文獻資料皆可見證其發展過程與成果,筆者將這些資料劃分為有聲資料與平面資料,並於文中記錄與分析。 在台灣竹笛音樂推廣部分,筆者分為靜態的音樂教材與動態的媒體傳播,從這兩部份資料來探討音樂層面以外的發展過程;音樂作品部分,則以展演與比賽來探討。此外,台灣竹笛曲目應用的最為淋漓盡致的可說是音樂比賽,在竹笛音樂比賽中處處可見台灣作曲家的作品,從音樂比賽中也可看出,台灣竹笛樂曲的難易度或是台灣學生的演奏水準與素質。 全文將以記錄與分析為主,為求資料的完整與客觀,將佐以其他相關文獻資料,避免個人記憶或書寫之資料過度主觀。
This article takes Chinese flute music as the core study, and focuses on the preservation of music material and the development of music works. In data collection, it is formed with field investigation, the written information and network data. In addition to recording the development of Chinese flute music and publication of some information, and analyzes music performance and the competition examines the Chinese flute music. In this paper, the time is set for 1949 to 2008. In 1949, the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan, and the traditional Chinese music came as well. Chinese flute music is also at this time bud, and is used to growing well so far (2008). Many documents are the testimony of the process of its development and achievement. These documents are divided into audio data and written form, which are recorded and analyzed in the text. In the section of Taiwan’s Chinese flute music promotion, the written is divided into static music teaching material and the dynamic media dissemination, and the developing process outside music is expounded. With reference to Music works, performs and the competition will be discussed. In addition, the most prevalent application of Taiwan’s Chinese flute program is namely the music competition. Taiwan composer’s works can be seen everywhere in the Chinese flute music competitions. It’s also can be seen from the music game that the degree of difficulty of Taiwan’s Chinese flute music or Taiwan students’ performance and quality standards. The full text is based on records and analysis. For the sake of the integrity and objectivity of information, this article will be accompanied by other literature, to avoid the individual memory or the written is excessively subjective.



, 竹笛, 資料, 保存, 作品, 國樂, Bamboo flute, Chinese flute, Data, Conservation, Works, Chinese music





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