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(三)青少女知覺母親角色之和諧關愛、教育引導行為未達期望,在日常照顧、 經濟支持行為超出期望。
The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of the female adolescent’s expectation and discrepancy of their mother role on mother-daughter relationship. The samples are collected from north, middle and south area of Taiwan’s junior and senior high school female students. The data gathering with the questionnaire survey method. The total eligible questionnaires are 734 copies. The study instruments used for analysis are personal information sheet, perceptional discrepancy of mother role scale, and adolescent mother-daughter relationship scale. All statistics analysis are used by SPSS22, followed by statistical testing via the descriptive statistic, one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results indicate as follows: 1. Analysis of Current Status (1) The female adolescents have high expectation to their mother role. (2) The female adolescents have high perception to their mother role behavior. (3) The female adolescents consider their mother roles of “harmony and love” and “conduct and educate” are lower to their expectation. The mother roles of “daily care” and “economic provider” are higher than their expatiation. (4) The female adolescents’ mother-daughter relationship of trust and communication is good, and the relationship of alienation is low. 2. Analysis of the discrepancy and the female adolescents’ mother-daughter relationship (1) The female adolescents who consider their mother’s “harmony and love role”, “daily caring role” or “economic provider role” fail to expectation that the trust of mother-daughter relationship is lower. Those who consider their mother’s “conduct and educate role” conform expectation that the trust of mother-daughter relationship is better. (2) The female adolescents who perceive their mother’s “harmony and love role” fail to expectation that the alienation of mother-daughter relationship is higher. Those who perceive their mother’s “economic provider role” are higher than expectation that the alienation of mother-daughter relationship is higher. (3) The female adolescent’s discrepancy of their mother role can explain the mother-daughter relationship. The more female adolescent perceive their mother of “harmony and love role” higher to their expectation, and of “daily caring role” lower to their expatiation, the better trust of mother-daughter relationship is; The more female adolescent perceive their mother of “harmony and love role” lower to their expectation, the more alienation of mother-daughter relationship is. Suggestions are made according to results. For female adolescent is through communicating and another view to their mother; for mother provide the suggestion of role behavior; and some suggestion for the future researcher.
The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of the female adolescent’s expectation and discrepancy of their mother role on mother-daughter relationship. The samples are collected from north, middle and south area of Taiwan’s junior and senior high school female students. The data gathering with the questionnaire survey method. The total eligible questionnaires are 734 copies. The study instruments used for analysis are personal information sheet, perceptional discrepancy of mother role scale, and adolescent mother-daughter relationship scale. All statistics analysis are used by SPSS22, followed by statistical testing via the descriptive statistic, one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results indicate as follows: 1. Analysis of Current Status (1) The female adolescents have high expectation to their mother role. (2) The female adolescents have high perception to their mother role behavior. (3) The female adolescents consider their mother roles of “harmony and love” and “conduct and educate” are lower to their expectation. The mother roles of “daily care” and “economic provider” are higher than their expatiation. (4) The female adolescents’ mother-daughter relationship of trust and communication is good, and the relationship of alienation is low. 2. Analysis of the discrepancy and the female adolescents’ mother-daughter relationship (1) The female adolescents who consider their mother’s “harmony and love role”, “daily caring role” or “economic provider role” fail to expectation that the trust of mother-daughter relationship is lower. Those who consider their mother’s “conduct and educate role” conform expectation that the trust of mother-daughter relationship is better. (2) The female adolescents who perceive their mother’s “harmony and love role” fail to expectation that the alienation of mother-daughter relationship is higher. Those who perceive their mother’s “economic provider role” are higher than expectation that the alienation of mother-daughter relationship is higher. (3) The female adolescent’s discrepancy of their mother role can explain the mother-daughter relationship. The more female adolescent perceive their mother of “harmony and love role” higher to their expectation, and of “daily caring role” lower to their expatiation, the better trust of mother-daughter relationship is; The more female adolescent perceive their mother of “harmony and love role” lower to their expectation, the more alienation of mother-daughter relationship is. Suggestions are made according to results. For female adolescent is through communicating and another view to their mother; for mother provide the suggestion of role behavior; and some suggestion for the future researcher.
青少女, 母親角色, 知覺落差, 母女關係, female adolescent, mother role, discrepancy, mother-daughter relationship