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資訊科技發達的當下,因應時勢變遷,藝術的創作與教學愈發創新與多元。電腦技術、數位媒材、新媒體……等開發,因其技術性、變動性及複雜性,使藝術相關系所的教學,轉化出與以往傳統藝術教學不同的模式,藝術實驗室即為其中之一。 藝術實驗室集合一群具備不同藝術創作專業能力背景的成員,以指導老師為首,藉由課程教學、創作研發、討論互動之過程,在技術精進、藝術創作、學術研究等方面共同學習及努力。本研究即以此一類型藝術實驗室為研究對象,選取臺灣藝術大學多媒體動畫藝術研究所林珮淳教授所主持的「數位藝術實驗室」為研究對象。透過場域觀察、訪談蒐集研究資料,並依「學習社群」觀點,分析詮釋實驗室整體發展特質、成員專業成長以及其藝術創作、教育之價值意義。 本研究的研究結果有三: 一、數位藝術實驗室在組織、經營的「形式」面以及人員互動、情感態度的「內涵」面向之發展,具備學習社群的組織特質。 二、數位藝術實驗室師生成員在專業知能上,獲得教學能力、專業知識、創作知識與能力、思考能力、表達能力、處事應變能力等等之成長;亦在專業態度層面,有自我剖析、自我調整、合作認知、學習創作積極度轉變的專業成長。 三、數位藝術實驗室在藝術創作方面,以創作過程強調的創作觀、實驗性、團隊跨領域整合顯示其時代意義,並透過創作成果引發關注、吸引資源,且開拓臺灣文化的國際能見度。在藝術教育部份,則以教學本質回歸、教學差異、教學資源分享等具時代價值。
Along with the advancement in information technology, it is getting diverse and innovative in artistic creating and teaching. Moreover, the progress of computer science, digital media, and new media, featured by the technical character, variability, and complexity, further demands an evolution in teaching method in course of art program. That is background for the emergence of the art lab. The art lab provides an environment for members with different creative professionals to communicate; orienting around the advisor, by the means of lecturing, artistic practicing, and discussing, it is a place help establish mutual connection between the members and advance their skill, creation, and academic research. This study, taking the “digital art lab” of the graduate program of multimedia and animation art in National Taiwan University of Arts, hosted by professor Lin, Pey-Chwen, as the subject, aims to explore the features of the development of the art lab and the assistance the art lab can offer to the members in improving the artistic creation and bring forward the proficiency. Data gathered by the methods of field observation and interviews are further analyzed by the viewpoint of learning community. The results are as follows: 1. The traits shared by digital art lab and learning community are mainly in two aspects: first, in form, they are similar in the organization and management; second, in content, they both put emphasis on the interaction between members and take care of their emotion. 2. Proficiency of the members of the digital art lab are improved in the project, in addition, they acquires improvements on teaching ability, professional knowledge, knowledge and skill of artistic creating, expression, and flexibility, while their growth in professional attitude including self-criticize, self-adjust, team work ability, and active learning are also evident. 3. The artistic creation of the digital art lab focuses on creation concept, experimentation, and the interdisciplinary integration. Not only can the fruitful result advertise Taiwan culture and attract resources, but also the new teaching method echoes the spirit of the age including the return to the nature of teaching, teaching students with their talents, and the share of teaching resource.



數位藝術實驗室, 數位藝術教育, 學習社群, 專業成長, digital art lab, digital art education, learning community, professional growth





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