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本文主要針對華語教材的詞彙標記做出原則性及概念性的探討。首先在第三章討論了詞的定義與詞的類型。本文認為漢語為孤立語,並不具符合西方語言學定義的詞綴,因此漢語中合成詞(synthetic word)、複合詞(compound word)的區分,是以詞素來判別:包含黏著詞素者為合成詞,由詞加詞所構成的為複合詞,而離合詞(separable word)屬於合成詞的一類。此外,我們討論了詞和詞組的不同,包含動補結構(verb-complement structure)、熟語性用語(idiomatic expression)於教材中的處理。
第四章我們確立了詞類系統並討論教材的詞類標記,我們依句法功能將詞類系統分為八大核心詞類「名詞、動詞、副詞、介詞、連詞、助詞、量詞、限定詞」。在教材的次類標記部分,我們根據Chafe(1970)的動詞中心論,認為動詞為句法之中心,因此將標記的討論範圍限定在動詞,我們的動詞標記主要基於鄧守信(1974)的動詞分類,以及鄧守信(2010)所提出之現代詞類標記原則,將動詞劃分為動作動詞(action verb)、狀態動詞(state verb)、變化動詞(process verb)三類,並依個別動詞的句法特性,進一步予以結構上的次類標記,我們將三個動詞次類之下再進行及物和不及物的劃分,在狀態動詞(state verb)部分則劃分出唯定狀態動詞和唯謂狀態動詞及助動詞,最後則是離合詞及動後主語(post-verbal subject)的標記。
This thesis primarily discusses the principles and concepts of labeling vocabulary in Chinese language teaching materials. The third chapter discusses definitions and the types of words. In addition, this study discusses the difference between words and phrases, including how teaching materials can present verb-complement structures and idiomatic expressions. In the fourth chapter the author establishes a syntactic categories system and discusses the labeling of vocabulary words in teaching materials, using syntactic function to divide the syntactic categories system into eight categories: noun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, particle, measure word, and determiner. In accordance with Chafe’s (1970) concept of “verb-central”, which holds that verbs are the central element of syntax, this study divides verbs into several subcategories based on those proposed by Teng (2010), who divides verbs into action verbs, state verbs and process verbs. After investigating the characteristics of individual verbs, another level of labels were added. We divided action, state and process verbs into transitive and intransitive verbs. State verbs were categorized as either attributive state verbs or predicative state verbs, and auxiliary verbs. Finally, verbs were categorized as either separable words or post-verbal subjects. Finally, the author reviews the adequacy of vocabulary labeling in Chinese language teaching materials, and, based on syntactic category errors collected from a classroom environment, proposes principles and recommendations for the labeling of vocabulary.
This thesis primarily discusses the principles and concepts of labeling vocabulary in Chinese language teaching materials. The third chapter discusses definitions and the types of words. In addition, this study discusses the difference between words and phrases, including how teaching materials can present verb-complement structures and idiomatic expressions. In the fourth chapter the author establishes a syntactic categories system and discusses the labeling of vocabulary words in teaching materials, using syntactic function to divide the syntactic categories system into eight categories: noun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, particle, measure word, and determiner. In accordance with Chafe’s (1970) concept of “verb-central”, which holds that verbs are the central element of syntax, this study divides verbs into several subcategories based on those proposed by Teng (2010), who divides verbs into action verbs, state verbs and process verbs. After investigating the characteristics of individual verbs, another level of labels were added. We divided action, state and process verbs into transitive and intransitive verbs. State verbs were categorized as either attributive state verbs or predicative state verbs, and auxiliary verbs. Finally, verbs were categorized as either separable words or post-verbal subjects. Finally, the author reviews the adequacy of vocabulary labeling in Chinese language teaching materials, and, based on syntactic category errors collected from a classroom environment, proposes principles and recommendations for the labeling of vocabulary.
詞彙標記, 詞類系統, 詞類偏誤, Vocabulary labeling, Syntactic category systems, Syntactic category errors