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本文藉由「互文性」(intertextuality)理論對「燃燈佛授記本生」故事 進行經典文本與圖像系譜式的探溯與分析。通過「燃燈佛授記」本生故事 與佛教石窟藝術創作之間,內外雙重互文分析,可明白文本所具有的「互 文性」依循「存異」與「求同」的原則,不斷對本源進行解構,也同時重 構出新文本,同時兼具解構與創造的雙重意義。考察西北印犍陀羅石雕、 中亞龜茲石窟的壁畫,乃至中國雲岡石窟造像中的「燃燈佛授記本生」作 品,皆有將「燃燈佛授記本生」與「阿輸迦施土因緣」主要情節融合於「異 時同構」的石雕或壁畫的情形,同時也各保有不同細節表現,正可驗證文 本「互文性」所具有解構與創造的雙重特性。
This article aims to present the intertexuality of the works about the Jataka tale of Dipamkara Buddha’s prophecy. The combination of its main plot and that of the story of Asoka’s donation can be seen among sculptures and murals inGandhara, Kucha Grottoes in Central Asia, and China Yungang Grottoes. Through deconstruction and reconstruction, these stories have the same motif but different details.
This article aims to present the intertexuality of the works about the Jataka tale of Dipamkara Buddha’s prophecy. The combination of its main plot and that of the story of Asoka’s donation can be seen among sculptures and murals inGandhara, Kucha Grottoes in Central Asia, and China Yungang Grottoes. Through deconstruction and reconstruction, these stories have the same motif but different details.