

本文以宜蘭市為主要研究區域,以問卷調查與統計分析進行主題研究,探討宜蘭市民對宜蘭河環境保育的看法。問卷內容設計是以質性研究的成果為基礎,包括:文獻分析、深度訪談、內容分析等方法,以瞭解宜蘭河溪流廊道整治及人河關係的歷史變遷、宜蘭河環境議題的多樣面向及其空間變化。 研究結果顯示,宜蘭市民和宜蘭河互動特色為「參與頻率高、停留時間短」;市民認為宜蘭河濱地區經整治後成為都市綠廊,即應具備多重功能,尤其對「後續維護管理」十分重視;市民對宜蘭河水質是十分關心的,但受到認知與對人河關係定位的影響,在部份問項則顯得較為低落。透過因素分析,宜蘭市民對宜蘭河整治看法可歸納成三大因素組:民眾參與、環境保育、運動休憩等;宜蘭市民對宜蘭河水質關心程度則可歸納成二大因素組:水質污染與水源利用。在卡方檢定的結果顯示,女性受到傳統角色扮演的影響,休閒障礙較高、對運動休閒設施是否能夠滿足親子活動的需求較為在意,並且關心宜蘭河水質的問題,但在公共參與上則較男性顯得較為消極;老年人口與宜蘭河互動頻率與時間較高、青年人口認為宜蘭河整治應首重生態保育、中年人口對於公共事務的參與較為積極;濱河區的居民則受到距離的影響,與宜蘭河間的人地關係較為緊密,影響所及,對於宜蘭河的休憩運動機能較為看重,也強烈表達政府在河川整治應首要考慮在地居民的需求、並應在整治前盡到溝通說明的義務。
This research, mainly focusing on Yi-lan City area, is conducted through questionnaire and statistic analysis as a theme research. It explores and probes into the viewpoints of the citizens in Yi-lan City on the issue of environmental protection of the Yi-lan River. The design of the questionnaire is based on the result of qualitative research , including literature analysis, profound interview, content analysis and so forth, so as to figure out the improvement of the stream corridors of the Yi-lan River, the historical changes of the human-river relationship, and the various dimensions and its spatial changes of the current environmental issue on the Yi-lan River. According to the research, the chief characteristic of the interaction between the citizens in Yi-lan City and the Yi-lan River is “frequent involvement but short period of lingering time.” The residents suppose the strand of the Yi-lan River should be multi-functional after dredged as urban stream corridors. They lay more emphasis on the follow-up maintenance and management in particular. Besides, they are very concerned about the water quality of the Yi-lan River. However, some of the results in the questionnaire are relatively more negative because of the influence of the perception of the human-river relationship. Through factor analysis, the opinions of the residents in Yi-lan City on the improvement of the Yi-lan River can be generalized from three main factors: the public participation, environmental conservation, sports and recreation etc.. In addition, the extent to which the citizens in Yi-lan City care about the quality of the Yi-lan River can be concluded from two main factors: water pollution and water exploitation. In the aspect of Chi-square Test, on account of the traditional role in a family, women tend to have more leisure constrains and cares more about both whether the recreational facilities can meet the needs of a family and the quality of the Yi-lan River. However, compared to men, they are more negative in terms of public participation. Senior citizens spend more time around the Yi-lan River. As far as the young are concerned, the top priority of the improvement of the Yi-lan River should be ecological conservation. Moreover, the middle-aged people tend to be more active in public affairs. The relationship between the residents living on shore and the Yi-lan River is comparatively closer as a result of the distance; thus, they pay more attention to the sports and recreational function of the Yi-lan River and strongly recommend the government should take into account the needs of the local people when it comes to the improvement of the river; what’s more, the authorities concerned should fulfill their obligations to communicate and illustrate policies to the people before implementing any program.



宜蘭河, 溪流廊道, 民眾參與, 環境保育, 環境識覺, Yi-Lan River, stream corridors, public participation, environmental protection, perception





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