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中文摘要 本研究在探究教師主體性的相關論述,了解教師主體性和所處結構與文化的辯證關係,透過分析高中歷史課程綱要修定脈絡下的教師看法和接受度,進而瞭解高中歷史課程綱要改革中教師扮演的角色。最後,綜合歷史教育理論、批判教學論述與高中歷史課程綱要改革的實際過程,分析高中歷史課程綱要改革中的教師主體性發展與限制,歸納研究發現為結論,提出個人的反省。 為達到上述之研究目的,本研究兼採下列三種研究方法:1、理論探究:探討批判教學論述之下的教師主體意涵,對教師主體性進一步的釐清與確立;其次,探究歷史教育的理論,對目前歷史課程綱要改革和爭議提出學理依據。2、文件分析;主要應用在對於高中歷史課程綱要改革的相關文件上,針對研究報告、報紙新聞評論等文件進行分析與整理。3、訪談:蒐集台北縣市、台中市、台南市、高雄市四個地區,十位教師對於歷史課程綱要改革與爭議的看法,以及因應措施等相關意見。 由九五歷史課程綱要改革研究可發現,教師的主體性是和所處的結構、文化相互依存的,目前的歷史課程綱要改革限制了教師主體發展的空間,國家層級上位者並沒有給予教師一個發聲的管道,教師的主體展現只限於教室層級,在國家課程的決策層級往往發揮不了影響力;其次,教師教室層級中的主體性已能作到批判意識的覺醒、壓迫教育的覺知等發展,但教師的主體性發展仍受限於教師所處的社會結構、文化脈絡,包括了傳統升學風氣固著、考試壓力興盛、授課時數壓縮、和政治干涉歷史教育等限制影響,教師成為轉化型的知識份子仍會受限於台灣特殊文化脈絡下的現實問題。 最後提出建議在課程綱要落實層級如下:1、歷史課程綱要改革應開放教師發聲空間;2、提供教師進修管道與機會;3、歷史課程綱要改革應重視結構因素;而在未來研究的建議分別為以下二點:1、探究歷史課程對學生認知的影響;2、探究大眾媒體在課綱爭議中所扮演的角色。 關鍵字:批判教育學、教師主體性、高中歷史課程綱要、歷史教育
An Exploration of High School History Teachers’ Subjectivity in the Reform of High School History Curriculum Guideline Abstract This study aims at exploring related issues of teachers’ subjectivity and the exercise of teachers’ subjectivity in the existing cultural and structural context. It proceeds to understand high school history teachers' role in the reform of High School History Curriculum Guidelines through analyzing teachers’ perspectives and attitudes toward the reconstructed History Curriculum Guidelines. To achieve the research purposes methods applied in this study include: 1.literatue review: probing into the Teachers’ Subjectivity in pedagogical practices and inquiring the nature and aims of history education. 2. Document Analysis: exploring the related document of reformed High School History Curriculum Guidelines research reports and news commentary on the reformed issues. 3. Interviews: collecting the viewpoints about the High School History Curriculum Guidelines reform from the ten high school history teachers from Taipei Taichung ,Tainan , and Kaohsiung. It is found that teachers’ subjectivity and its surrounding structure and culture are iterdependent. The reform process of High School History Curriculum Guidelines reform restrains the development of teacher’s subjectivity. The decision-making process at national level does not offer teachers a way to express their opinions. Teachers’ subjectivity is confined to the classroom level only and their opinions can not affect national curriculum policy making. However, teacher’s subjectivity can be more or less enacted in the classroom teaching through the development of teacher’s subjectivity is still confined to the situated cultural and structural environment Finally, this study provides suggestion for the reform of curriculum guidelines: 1. Offer an open space for teachers to express their opinions on History Curriculum Guidelines reformation. 2. Provide teachers further professional development opportunities. 3. History Curriculum Guidelines reform should break through structural barriers. Suggestions for future study and research are as follows: 1. Probe into History Curriculum’s effect on students’ learning .2. Explore mass media’s role in the conflicted pricey of curriculum making..



批判教育學, 教師主體性, 高中歷史課程綱要, 歷史教育, pedagogy, Teachers' Subjectivity, High School History Curriculum Guidelines, Education of History





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