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就業與就業力,一般來說不一樣。 就業指目前擁有一份正職工作,但對於某些人來說,目前擁有了一份工作,卻未必具備良好的就業能力,長期來看,則有面臨失業的危機; 就業力,則是指一個人能夠培養工作所需的相關知識與技能,並能轉移至其它工作領域,且能夠長期維持其位於職場上的優勢。 而本研究主要的研究對象為業務人員。 人力資源相關的研究,著重在業務人員的工作技能、職能,亦或是其人格特徵,在某些國家甚至將職能與就業力,視為同一概念。 實際上,鮮少的研究著重於業務人員的就業力研究。 因此,本研究的目的,旨在探討與研究業務人員的就業力。 本研究發展出32項業務人員之就業力項目,研究分析採用獨立樣本檢定及變異數分析。 分析結果指出,人際關係、情緒智商、工作態度、學習態度與責任感,為業務人員應該優先發展及較重要的就業力項目。 網路行銷能力、財務相關管理能力、電腦文書處理技能、電腦基本應用與英文能力,在本研究中,相對地則被業務人員視為較不重要的就業技能。此研究結果,部分符合本研究的文獻中,某些學者的觀點。 此外,不同性別、年齡與職位的業務人員,對於業務人員的就業力,也有不同的看法。
Employment and employability are not the same thing. Being employed means having a job; for people who are not adequately prepared, having a job is likely to be a temporary condition. Being employable means possessing qualities needed to maintain employment and progress in the workplace. This research placed an emphasis on salespersons. The researcher discovered that many articles mentioned the different traits, skills, competency, and characteristics of a salesperson, and in some nations, the concepts of competency and employability are regarded the same meaning. But little attention has been given to the point of salesperson’s employability skills. As a result, the purpose of this study is to examine salesperson employability skills. The research results are presented in descriptive and inferential statistics. Both independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used during the analytical stage. The researcher developed the 32 salesperson employability items, and such as interpersonal skills, emotional quotient, the attitude of working, learning attitude, and the sense of responsibility are the top five of important items as suggested by the subjects. However, Internet marketing ability, financial management related skills, Microsoft Office software application skills, basic computer skills, and English proficiency are the last five items as suggest by the subjects in this research. The result meets some scholars’ researches in the previous studies. In addition, people in different gender, age, and positions have different opinions for the importance of employability skills items.



職能, 業務人員, 就業力, competency, salesperson, employability skills





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