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本研究旨在探究全球化影響之下英文在臺的社會形象(social images)、觀感(perceptions)、以及臺灣民眾的英文意識形態(language ideology of English),由過去文獻已知英文被賦予十分正面的社會價值(e.g. Chen 2006; Lee 2008; Tsai 2010;Wang 2000)。然而,過去研究鮮少探討臺灣民眾對英文的意識形態,或以英文能力為變因,討論不同的英文觀感和意識形態。藉由訪談,本研究討論英文的意識形態如何因為英文所有權,即能力與否,而有顯著差異。
本研究共有38 位受訪者,其中,有14 位英文使用者(English users)和24 位非英文使用者(non-English users)。訪談的總時數是24 小時18 分鐘。鑒於近期的研究顯示,訪談內所透露出的互動和訊息不應被視為不自然(artificial)和線型(linear) (e.g. De Fina 2011; Worthem et al. 2005),本研究把訪談語料依其結構和相關性分成兩大類。第一類為受訪者對訪談問題的直接回應(direct responses),第二類則是由訪談問題所導出受訪者相關的過往經驗、反映及想法(semi-directresponses)。相較於直接回應,部份相關的回應有較高的可靠性,因為受訪者對於對話內容以及訪談流程的干預明顯降低。
低,且個人的英文能力和英文的所有權並非自稱。英文使用者和非英文使用者都會以主觀的條件審視英文及說話者進而認證或否定英文的所有權。此外,雖英文被視為必要,但是,對話的情境決定語言的選擇(code choice),不適當地顯露英文能力反而容易招致負面觀感。研究結果也顯示英文使用者和飛英文使用者都會為了語用的需求在日常對話中穿差英文,但有趣的是受訪者皆一致認定英文使用者在非正式場合下有責避免使用英文。研究結果發現,英文能力與否影響說話者
The study investigates language ideology of English through a qualitative analysis of interview data. It has been well-established that English is highly valued owing to its instrumental values (Chen 2006; Lee 2008; Tsai 2010; Wang 2000). Nonetheless, seldom did past studies address the ideological aspects and the possibility of English competence as a variable in shaping different language ideology. The study is aimed at looking into how English is conceptualized. The study has collected data through interviews. Among all the 38 informants who participated in the study, there are 14 English users and 24 non-English users.The total length of the interviews is 24 hours and 18 minutes. In the light of recent studies in critical analyses of interview data (e.g. De Fina 2011; Worthem et al. 2005), the study categorizes data into two major categories. Direct responses are the informants’ straightforward replies to the interview questions. Semi-direct responses refer to the informants’ reflections on events and further thoughts evoked by the interview questions, but not necessarily directed at answering the questions. It is found that English is predominantly considered essential. The prevailing language ideology of conceptualizing English as a necessity is apparent in the informants’ overt affirmation of English acquisition and the deprecation of incompetence. The findings suggest that the appropriation of English may be perceived to be an established and prescriptive social norm. it could be postulated that English is linguistic capital, an accumulated labor which could transfer to interests and values (Bourdieu 1977, 1986, 1991). Though the necessity of English is reinforced by both English users and non-English users, they positioned themselves different from the other party. Though English has been overtly affirmed, the appropriation of English and the concept of English ownership are context-specific and dependent on others for the recognition. Standard language ideology, the preference for an idealized linguistic form (Lippi-Green 1997), is found to be a subjective criterion held by English users and non-English users to evaluate English and its user. Consequently, self-claimed competence in English and ownership, the legitimacy of the language (Widdowson 1994; Higgins 2003; Norton 2003), could be easily challenged and further invalidated by others. Moreover, English is perceived to be context-specific, implicating that the allocation of functions of English is distinctive compared with Chinese and other indigenous languages. The display of English competence is significantly oppressed in local contexts, possibly attributable to the public market values of English. The dispreference postulates that meeting linguistic norms in local contexts maybe equally stressing to that in public contexts (Woolard 1985). Remarkably, the burden of the accommodation falls chiefly on English users. The finding indicates that competence in English is a significant variable in influencing language ideology of English as English users and non-English users position themselves differently. Analytically, semi-direct responses show that the proximity of English is context-specific. Methodologically, the examination of the semi-direct responses demonstrates the necessity of analyzing interview data critically. The study has attempted to shed some lights on language ideology of English. Yet, naturally occurring data would definitely reveal more authentic information with higher reliability in terms of English use. Additionally, the recruitment of informants was confined in terms of the regional restrictions and the imbalanced number of informants in each social category. With these limitations taken into consideration, a well-developed account would surely be yielded.
The study investigates language ideology of English through a qualitative analysis of interview data. It has been well-established that English is highly valued owing to its instrumental values (Chen 2006; Lee 2008; Tsai 2010; Wang 2000). Nonetheless, seldom did past studies address the ideological aspects and the possibility of English competence as a variable in shaping different language ideology. The study is aimed at looking into how English is conceptualized. The study has collected data through interviews. Among all the 38 informants who participated in the study, there are 14 English users and 24 non-English users.The total length of the interviews is 24 hours and 18 minutes. In the light of recent studies in critical analyses of interview data (e.g. De Fina 2011; Worthem et al. 2005), the study categorizes data into two major categories. Direct responses are the informants’ straightforward replies to the interview questions. Semi-direct responses refer to the informants’ reflections on events and further thoughts evoked by the interview questions, but not necessarily directed at answering the questions. It is found that English is predominantly considered essential. The prevailing language ideology of conceptualizing English as a necessity is apparent in the informants’ overt affirmation of English acquisition and the deprecation of incompetence. The findings suggest that the appropriation of English may be perceived to be an established and prescriptive social norm. it could be postulated that English is linguistic capital, an accumulated labor which could transfer to interests and values (Bourdieu 1977, 1986, 1991). Though the necessity of English is reinforced by both English users and non-English users, they positioned themselves different from the other party. Though English has been overtly affirmed, the appropriation of English and the concept of English ownership are context-specific and dependent on others for the recognition. Standard language ideology, the preference for an idealized linguistic form (Lippi-Green 1997), is found to be a subjective criterion held by English users and non-English users to evaluate English and its user. Consequently, self-claimed competence in English and ownership, the legitimacy of the language (Widdowson 1994; Higgins 2003; Norton 2003), could be easily challenged and further invalidated by others. Moreover, English is perceived to be context-specific, implicating that the allocation of functions of English is distinctive compared with Chinese and other indigenous languages. The display of English competence is significantly oppressed in local contexts, possibly attributable to the public market values of English. The dispreference postulates that meeting linguistic norms in local contexts maybe equally stressing to that in public contexts (Woolard 1985). Remarkably, the burden of the accommodation falls chiefly on English users. The finding indicates that competence in English is a significant variable in influencing language ideology of English as English users and non-English users position themselves differently. Analytically, semi-direct responses show that the proximity of English is context-specific. Methodologically, the examination of the semi-direct responses demonstrates the necessity of analyzing interview data critically. The study has attempted to shed some lights on language ideology of English. Yet, naturally occurring data would definitely reveal more authentic information with higher reliability in terms of English use. Additionally, the recruitment of informants was confined in terms of the regional restrictions and the imbalanced number of informants in each social category. With these limitations taken into consideration, a well-developed account would surely be yielded.
意識形態, 語言態度, 全球化, language ideology, language attitudes, globalization