dc.contributor | 蕭惠貞 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor | Huichen S. Hsiao | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | 張書蜜 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | Chang, Shu-Mi | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-10-19T06:33:00Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-09-03 | |
dc.date.available | 2020-10-19T06:33:00Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究探討英語母語者學習華語時,受搭配詞一致性之影響。透過 E- prime Professional 2.0 軟體,進行實時測驗的詞彙判斷任務,對比不同詞彙 類別對受試者的反應時間與正確率之影響。我們欲瞭解以下研究問題: (1)搭 配詞的一致性與非一致性對於受試者判斷搭配詞詞意的正確率是否相關? (2)搭配詞的一致性與非一致性對於受試者提取詞語的速度造成什麼影響? (3)受試者對從英語搭配詞直接翻譯成中文的假一致性搭配詞,和非搭配詞 相比下,何者有較高正確率與較快之反應時間?(4)中高級(含)以上的二語 學習者提取詞語之模式與母語者是否相同?再者,其提取模式為何? 本研究結果顯示,一、搭配詞一致性對母語及二語學習者之促發正確率 並無顯著相關,二語學習者無論在 F1 和 F2 方面,一致性搭配詞(M=89.31; SD=12.21)的正確率對比非一致性搭配詞(M=84.28;SD=13.97)並未產生 顯著;母語者無論在 F1 和 F2 方面,一致性搭配詞(M=94.20;SD=8.25)的 正確率對比非一致性搭配詞(M=96.21;SD=5.22)並未產生顯著;二、搭配 詞一致性會對二語學習者提取詞語速度造成影響,其一致性搭配詞之反應速 度顯著快於非一致性搭配詞,二語學習者無論在 F1 和 F2 方面,一致性搭配 詞(M=2012.73;SD=729.48)的反應速度顯著快於非一致性搭配詞 (M=2288.74;SD=734.22);而對母語者則無影響,母語者無論在 F1 和 F2 方面,一致性搭配詞(M=861.20;SD=288.93)的反應速度對比非一致性搭 配詞(M=841.64;SD=282.86)並未產生顯著;三、二語學習者無論在 F1 和 F2 方面,非搭配詞(M=70.81;SD=21.43)的正確率顯著高於假一致性搭配 詞(M=44.37;SD=23.13)。非搭配詞和假一致性搭配詞在 F2 方面,非搭配 詞(M=2403.46;SD=749.11)的反應速度顯著快於假一致性搭配詞 (M=2725.19;SD=649.38),然而在 F1 則無顯著差異;從母語者來看,假一致性搭配詞(M=78.52;SD=20.26)和非搭配詞(M=76.18;SD=20.28) 的正確率對比,並無產生顯著。然而兩者的反應時間假一致性搭配詞 (M=1004.41;SD=372.11)僅在 F2 方面的反應速度快於非搭配詞 (M=1188.64;SD=352.94)。四、兩者提取詞語之模式不甚相同,因母語者 能從心理辭典直接提取詞語,而二語學習者需先透過一語之途徑。母語者與 二語學習者之反應時間有顯著不同,且母語者之反應速度明顯快於學習者, 其結果與 Kroll& Stewart(1994)與 Jiang(2000)之二語提取模式相符合。 透過上述結果,華語老師可著重搭配詞之動詞,因動詞較易出錯且常因跨語 言現象發生與母語不一致之情形。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The present study aims at exploring the effects of congruency on high intermediate native English learners of Chinese. Using E-prime Professional 2.0 to conduct a lexical decision task (LDT) of a real-time priming test, we purported to find the distinction of accuracy rate and reaction time among four types of words in order to answer the following research questions: (1) Is the congruency of collocations related to the rate of priming accuracy? (2) Does the congruency of collocations affect retrieval of words? (3) Which one would cause higher accuracy rate and faster reaction times (RTs), fake congruent collocations or free word combinations (reasonable but infrequent usages in Chinese)? (4) For high intermediate learners or above, is their word retrieval model the same as native speakers’? Which model do they use? The results were revealed as follows: First, there was no significance in accuracy rate between congruent collocations(M=89.31;SD=12.21)and incongruent ones(M=89.31;SD=12.21)on both F1 and F2 for the native speaker group. And, there was also no significance in accuracy rate between congruent collocations and incongruent ones on both F1 and F2 for the L2 learner group. Second, congruency of collocations would affect the retrieval speed of words. RTs of congruent collocations(M=2012.73;SD=729.48)is significantly faster than incongruent ones(M=2288.74;SD=734.22)on F1 and F2 for L2 learners, but congruent collocations (M=861.20;SD=288.93)is not significantly faster than incongruent ones (M=841.64;SD=282.86)on F1 and F2 for native speakers. Third, the accuracy rate of free word combinations(M=70.81;SD=21.43)is significantly higher than fake congruent collocations(M=44.37;SD=23.13)on F1 and F2 for L2 learners; the speed of free word combinations(M=2403.46; SD=749.11)issignificantly faster than fake congruent collocations (M=2725.19; SD=649.38)for L2 learners based on the statistics result of F2 , but no significance on F1. For the native speakers, there is no significance found between the accuracy rate of free word combinations(M=76.18;SD=20.28)and fake congruent collocations(M=78.52;SD=20.26).However, the speed of free word combination(s M=1188.64;SD=352.94)issignificantly faster than fake congruent collocations(M=1004.41;SD=372.11)for native speakers based on the statistics result of F2, but no significance on F1. Fourth, the word retrieval model is different among native speakers and L2 learners. The access to retrieving words is directly extracted for native speakers, whereas for L2 learners, words are first extracted from accessing the L1. Based on the research results, TCSL (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) teachers can focus on verbs of collocations, which students are prone to make mistakes on due to the incongruence from cross-linguistic phenomenon. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 華語文教學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | G060484001I | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060484001I%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109938 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 促發作用 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 一致性 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 搭配詞 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 華語學習 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 英語母語者 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | Priming | en_US |
dc.subject | Congruency | en_US |
dc.subject | Collocation | en_US |
dc.subject | Chinese learning | en_US |
dc.subject | native English speaker | en_US |
dc.title | 實時處理中搭配詞一致性對華語學習者的影響—以英語母語者為例 | zh_TW |
dc.title | The Influence of Collocational Congruency on English-speaking Learners of Chinese in a Real-time Experiment | en_US |