

中文摘要 本研究結合行動學習、探索式學習與博物館學習,並以遊戲方式作為系統介面,發展博物館遊戲探索式行動導覽系統以及適合之教學活動,並探討「遊戲探索式行動導覽」對不同學習風格之國小學生博物館學習之學習動機與成效的影響。 本研究以台北縣八里國民小學四年級兩個班級60名學生為研究對象,採準實驗研究法,並在實驗活動前後,對學習對象進行前後測。實驗前進行展示內容理解前測、學習風格測驗;實驗結束後,以學習動機量表、學習成效測驗及學習心得發表進行後測。並在於實驗過程中拍攝影片及照片,分析遊戲探索式行動導覽方式與一般博物館人員導覽方式對不同學習風格學習者學習成效與動機所造成的影響。本研究的主要發現如下: 1. 使用遊戲探索式導覽系統學習之學生,在博物館學習成效測驗表現上明顯優於一般博物館人員解說導覽學習之學生。 2. 遊戲探索式導覽能拉近各學習者學習成效,降低各學習者在學習上的差異。 3. 使用遊戲探索式行動導覽系統學習之學生在學習過程中較多提出問題與互動討論,學習的意願較一般博物館人員解說導覽學習之學生高出了許多。 4. 不同學習風格學習者皆能跟隨探索式學習步驟學習,不會有任何一種學習風格學習者特別傾向或排斥遊戲探索式導覽學習方式。
The study of Game-based Inquiry Guided Learning System in Museum Learning - Using Shihsanhang Museum as an Example Abstract The research combines mobile guiding, inquiry based learning and museum learning, regarding game as the systematic interface, develop the guiding system and suitable the teaching activity. The effects of learning motivation and achievement of game-based inquiry guided system for museum learning of primary students are also studied. This research was conducted as a quasi-experimental design. Two classes of the fourth grade's elementary school students were assigned to an experimental group and a control group, which took game-based inquiry guided learning system and a traditional guided learning respectively. The purpose of this research was to find that students based on different learning styles with different guiding methods would show variations on their museum learning motivation, learning effect. The study reached the following conclusions︰ 1. In the museum learning achievements, the students of experimental group were significant better than the students of control group. 2. Game-based inquiry guided learning system does reduce the learning achievement of every learner. 3. Using game-based inquiry guided learning system, the learners can propose more questions, interact with others, and focus on learning activities than the learning who used traditional guided learning. 4. The learners with different learning style can follow the processes of game-based inquiry guided learning system at all.



探索式學習, 行動學習, 博物館學習





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