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注意力焦點對於動作表現的影響在過去研究中存在理論衝突與研究結果不一致,並且鮮少以客觀方式紀錄注意力動態變化的歷程。因此本研究以業餘高爾夫選手為對象,探討自我選擇注意力焦點與推桿表現之關係,並同時透過與身體意識有關的腦波指標 mu 節律及與視覺空間注意力相關的 Oz alpha 功率來了解注意力歷程的變化,進一步提供內外在注意力焦點可能的運作機制。方法:招募 32 名慣用右手的業餘高爾夫選手,配戴腦波儀器,進行 60 次 3 公尺的推桿,並記錄每次推桿所使用的注意力焦點及量測球與洞口的距離。統計方法以 ANOVA 檢驗兩種注意力焦點在推桿表現以及推桿前兩秒的腦波變化是否有差異。結果:參與者偏好使用外在注意力焦點進行推桿,但不論是相對進洞率或絕對誤差,使用內在或外在注意力焦點之情境間皆無差異,而腦波指標也顯示不論是內在或外在注意力焦點的情境下,mu 節律及 Oz alpha 功率在越接近出手時,皆呈現下降的趨勢。結論:業餘選手在自我選擇注意力焦點的情境下,使用內在或外在注意力焦點的推桿表現相同,顯示出表現與注意力焦點之關係可能會受到注意力焦點選擇的影響,但技能水準、作業難度與轉換所造成的認知負荷也可能是外在注意力焦點之效益無法被看見的原因。腦波指標方面,若要以 mu 節律及 Oz alpha 功率來代表內外在注意力焦點的使用,則仍需尚待未來研究確認。
Previous studies showed inconsistent results regarding the relationship between preferential attentional focus and skilled motor performance. Thus, the present study aimed to examine this issue with additional recording of electroencephalographic (EEG), in particular the mu rhythm that has been related to body awareness, and Oz alpha power that has been indicative of visuo-spatial attention, to provide some objective measures of the attentional processes in a group of amateur golfers. Method: Thirty-two right-handed amateur golfers performed 60 putting with a 3m putting distance while EEG were recorded. These participants indicated the type of attention focus they used during putting right after completion of each putt. A paired t-test was used to compare the putting performance for the type of attentional focus whereas the mu rhythm& Oz alpha power were analyzed by separate 2 (attention focus: external vs. internal) x 2 (time:-2~-1, -1~0) two-way ANOVA with repeated measures on both factors. Results: Participants preferred to put with using external focus, but there is no difference between putting performance measured by the number of holed and absolute error. The EEG measures also showed decreasing mu and Oz alpha power when approaching the putting execution regardless of the types of attentional focus. Conclusion: The finding of no attentional focus effects in the condition of the self-selective attention in amateur golfers suggests that cognitive loading from skill levels, task difficulty, and switch of attentional focus could counteract the benefit of external attentional focus observed in previous studies. In terms of EEG measures, whether the mu rhythm and Oz alpha power are a sensitive cortical correlates for the internal or external focus still need to be further investigated in future research.



業餘, 腦波, 身體意識, 視覺空間注意力, amateur, EEG, somaesthetic awareness, visuo-spatial attention

