

本研究主要目的是以MH法及Rasch定題法分析90-95年國中基本學力測驗社會科地理試題的試題差異功能(differential item functioning; DIF),並改編地理科測驗來操弄試題的文字及圖片屬性,以了解試題屬性對DIF程度之影響。研究結果顯示: 1. 在90-95年國中基本學力測驗社會科的地理試題中,有DIF現象的試題目約佔地理科試題總題數的二成,其中大部份為輕度的DIF試題。 2.從90-95年國中基本學力測驗社會科地理試題以及研究者自行設計的地理科測驗中所進行的DIF分析顯示,當試題中含有與受試者所居住的地區特性相關的「特定文字」時,其DIF試題比例會高於其它類型的試題。對MH法及Rasch定題法之偵測結果進行羅吉斯迴歸分析時,顯示試題的上述「特定文字」能有效預測DIF試題的發生。 研究者建議地理科試題中若含有與受試者所居住的地區特性相關的「特定文字」時,易造成不同試題有DIF現象,亦即這些題目可能會影響測驗的公平性。因此試題中的文字內容應盡量避免涉及特定地點或區域的事物、場所、活動、生活經驗等「特定文字」。
This research is to analyze the responses of geography test of the Basic Competence Test (BCTEST) in order to find out its Differential Item Functioning (DIF). Besides, the research operate the word and picture features of the items in order to understand the influence on the degree of DIF by Mantel-Haenszel (MH) method and Constant Item (CI) method. The results showed that, 1) The result point out that there are more items that are disadvantageous to the students who lived in eastern area in Taiwan, and the DIF proportion with specific writing is higher than the general writing; 2) The results by Logistic Regression analysis pointed out that the “word feature” forecast “the region DIF” effectively. The researcher suggests “the specific writing” is easy to create the DIF phenomenon between the different regions, therefore, it should avoid the writing content involving the specific place, the region, the goods, the activity, the experience of life and so on “the specific writing” in items of geography test.



DIF, 試題特徵, 國中基本學力測驗, Item characteristic of geography test of the Basic Competence Test, Differential Item Functioning, DIF

