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Department od Education, NTNU


狄爾泰(W. Dilthey)在一八八八年刊佈的「論普效性教育科學的可能性」一文中曾經提出一個問題:「在那一點上,由實然(Was ist)的認識可以導引出應然(Was sein soll)的規則?」(註一)這個問題的基本精神,根據波爾(O.F. Bollnow)的詮釋,乃是狄爾泰把事實認識到應然規範的轉移,視為自明之理,毋須討論。惟一須要探究的是兩者之間轉移的關鍵關(Einsatz─punkt)而已(註二)。狄爾泰這個問題如進一步的加以衍申,實際上已經渉及了一個教學方法論上頗難解決的課題 ─ 教育理論與實踐之間的關係。狄爾泰本於其生命整全性意義之理解作出發,否定了所謂超越時空適諸任何時代民族的普效性教育科學。質言之,狄爾反對以物理科學為典範,犧牲歷史意識、價值意識的教育理論。「價值與事實緊密聯結:理論命題(Die Theoretische Satze)」與實踐命題無法分開,理想的表象與規範更難與理論真理割離」(註三)。
Through historical approach and metatheretical analysis this study attempts to deal with the relationship between educational theory and praxis. Introductory remark on the recent controversies shows that different view points on the disputed problem are basically resulted from their different interpretations on human rationality. Therefore before proceeding to the main topics a historical and philosophical analysis of human rationality is presented in this thesis. It was Heraclitus who began a rational explanation of the world by proposing logos as the arche of cosmos. Aristotes' demarcation of sciences into theoretical, practical and artistic or technical was corresponded to his tripartion of human rationality. However, Aristotle did not elucidate clearly the relation between nous and phronesis with the consequence of failing to link theory and praxis in his philosophy Imm. Kant tried to fill this gap up by proposing reflecting judgment as combing power between the theoretical and practical rationality. In educational science, J. Fr. Herbart succeeded Kant's reflecting judgment and transformed it into educational tact as the linkage of educational theory and praxis. By the end of 19th century severe disputation on the relationship between educational theory and praxis was caused by the philosophical controversies between positivism and antipositivism. The development of scientific teacher education may be compared to the process of self─consciousness of human rationality. Early in 18th century school teacher was regarded as a kind of craftsman;thus, pre─training or preparatory education for school teacher was thought to be unnecessary. With the progress of natural science, self─reflection of teacher's responsibility and status in the whole educational system was educational system was universally awakened by the turn of this century. The demand of teachers' professionalization lead to their urgent need of scientific preparatory education. Emancipating from the craf


