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本研究旨在探討成年前期罹癌者癌症以自身癌症經驗為主題進行網路書寫之歷程與經驗。研究以立意取樣的方式,邀請五位初診斷年齡介於18歲至40歲之間,並有以自身癌症經驗為主題進行網路書寫為期超過一年者作為研究參與者。採用半結構訪談的方式進行資料蒐集,並以敘說研究中「類別─內容」、「整體─內容」之研究方式進行分析,以了解使用網路書寫之成年前期罹癌者癌症生命經驗及其以自身癌症經驗為主題使用網路書寫之經驗與歷程。研究結果發現每位成年前期罹癌者經歷五項主軸經驗─癌前生活、罹癌受苦、調適、網路書寫、癌後重生;進一步跨個案分析後,研究發現罹癌經驗敘說主題包括:1.擁有回應階段任務的正向特質,有利面對疾病的困境,2.罹癌經驗到身心受苦失落 V.S 主動積極調適的雙軌擺盪,3.開放、感恩、回饋的特性,推動人際之間善的循環;而成年前期罹癌者的網路書寫經驗主題包括:1.網路成為打破時空的病友團體,2.網路書寫成就展演癌症故事的舞台─見證與力量,3.被觀看的限制與動力─社會讚許欲影響網路書寫,4.網路書寫帶來書寫的自我療癒力量,最終「找到自己的詮釋意義,癌後長出新人生」。依據研究結果,討論並提出實務工作與未來研究方向之建議。
The purpose of this study is to explore the process and experience of young cancer patients who write articles online based on their cancer experiences. This study adopted purposive sampling and invited 5 participants who were aged 18 to 40 at first cancer diagnosis and had written online for more than one year on the topic of their own cancer experience. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the"category-content" and "holistic-content" approaches of narrative inquiry to understand their cancer experiences and their process with online writing. The study found that each of young cancer patients experienced five main of experiences: pre-cancer life, cancer suffering, adjustment, online writing, and post-cancer rebirth. After further cross-case analysis, the study found the following themes in the narrative of cancer experience: 1. positive traits to respond to the stage of tasks, which are conducive to face the hardship of the disease; 2. the dual process of cancer experience to suffering and loss v.s. in which the proactive adaptation; 3. the characteristics of openness, gratitude, and feedback promote the cycle of goodness among people. The themes of the online writing experiences of young cancer patients include: 1. the internet as a time- and space-breaking patient support group; 2. a stage for cancer storytelling created illness witness and strength by online writing; 3. the limitations and motivation of being watched - the longing for social approval influences online writing; 4. online writing to bring about the self-healing power. After the cancer, they can find their own meaning and grow a new life after cancer. Based on the results of the study, suggestions on practical work and future research directions are provided for reference.



成年前期, 癌症, 網路書寫, 敘說研究, young adulthood, cancer, online writing, narrative research





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