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本研究目的在於從多元文化教育觀點,探討兒福中心課後照顧教師教導弱勢學童之觀點。從課後照顧教師與弱勢學童的教學觀點如何反應在教學實踐中,以及教師輔導弱勢學童中遇到的困難和因應之道和在職教育經驗之關聯。 本研究採質性研究方法,以「深度訪談」、「參與觀察」與「檔案文件」等方式蒐集資料,對五位背景不同的課後照顧教師之教導弱勢學童經驗進行探究。從多元文化教育觀點分析課後照顧教師的弱勢學童教導經驗有如下的研究發現和建議: 研究發現: 一、「文化不利模式」的教學觀點—課照教師普遍沒有察覺到學童本身的文化獨特性,而視學童為文化不利、家庭功能不彰、學習成就低落等。 二、「一視同仁」的教學觀點—忽略差異性的所在,用一致的主流文化標準看待學童,卻會使得弱勢學童與其文化被邊緣化。 三、「社會福利式」的教學觀點—課照教師都認為課後照顧方案對弱勢學童來說是多多益善,不僅可以協助課業輔導也可以改善人際關係的問題,但卻可能落入文化複製窠臼。 四、問題取向的單元活動設計—教師們認為學童的家庭功能不彰導致學童的人際、情緒、以及學習成就上的問題,因此設計課程的考量為改善學童的人際互動和補強課業上的不足為主。 五、以完成作業為主的課業輔導—中心課後照顧主要的時間是希望學童完成其學校作業,甚至安排的團輔室借玩具也必須在完成作業之後,只著重於學童的國語數學課業輔導問題,較少以多樣化課程進行。 六、強調禮節的師生關係和重視秩序與常規的班級經營—禮節固然是重要的,但每個文化在人際互動關係上卻有不同的表達方式,應該更深一層的去瞭解學生的文化背景,依照學生的文化差異去做適當的調整,在其基礎上加以拓展,而不是只限於禁止講話、守秩序、遵守常規等外在行為的規範。 研究建議如下: 中心課後照顧制度: 一、凸顯多元文化教育的課後照顧規劃—著重學童豐富的文化背景和獨特性,針對每個學童的學習方式做教學調整。 二、改善學習空間的環境—應設法改善空間不足的問題,若實施上有困難,則進一步建議改善影響學童上課的噪音。 三、拓展課後照顧的學習活動—設計同歡會,出外郊遊,或是分享會等等活動,讓學童和教師有更多的時間相處,也讓教師可以適時的處理學童的情緒、家庭的問題或是讓學童得到更多的發展機會。 四、課後照顧教師的在職教育—建議中心的在職教育應該強化多元文化教育相關課程,以提升教師的多元文化敏感度與相關能力。 成人教育: 一、多元文化的教學推廣 二、鼓勵退休教師加入課後照顧行列 政府教育相關政策: 一、規劃具體方案措施,落實輔導與服務 二、推動國人的多元文化素養 三、鼓勵男性志工參與社會服務 四、大專院校開設多元文化素養的課程
The purpose of this study is to examine after-school childcare teachers’ teaching experiences of disadvantaged children from multicultural education perspectives. This study focuses on teachers’ teaching perspectives with these students, to realize how teachers put these perspectives into teaching practice .In addition, this study also examines the difficulties that teachers encounter, the solution for it during their teaching processes, and how these solution related to education experiences. Qualitative research methods are adopted in this study. ‘In-depth interviewing’, ‘documents collecting’ and ‘participant observation’ are used to collect data. Five after-school childcare teachers who have different personal experiences, and face different social cultural contexts are invited to participate in this study, to realize their teaching experiences of disadvantaged children. After analyzing their teaching experiences from a multicultural education perspective, the author concludes as follows. 1. Teaching perspectives as “culturally disadvantaged model”. 2. Teaching perspectives as “treats all students alike”. 3. Teaching perspectives as “social welfare model”. 4. Unit lessens planning tend to focus on students’ problems. 5. Assignments finishing has bee the schoolwork assistance principle. 6. Emphasize Relation between teachers and students and play importance on manners and rules of class managing. The recommendations for related adult education programs and related polices were suggested as follows: Children center after-school childcare system: 1. To manifest multicultural education of after-school childcare plan. 2. To improve the classroom space. 3. To learning activities of after-school childcare. Adult Education Programs: 1. To popularize multicultural education teaching. 2. To encourage retired people get involved in after-school childcare work. Government Education Policy: 1. More feasible programs planning, and provided needed consultation and assistances. 2. To expend compatriots’ multicultural accomplishments. 3. To encourage male volunteers participate in social service. 4. Colleges offer more lessens about multicultural accomplishments.



弱勢學童, 課後照顧, 多元文化教育觀點, 教學經驗, disadvantaged children, after-school childcare, multicultural education perspectives, teaching experience

