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Office of Research and Development


現行公民與道德科教師手冊內容包括「國民中學公民與道德科教學概要」與「國民中學公民與道德科教學單元」兩部分。此一編選方式與內容,是否能達到教師手冊之期望以及理想教師手冊之編輯模式,乃值深入研究探討。此外,由於目前國民中學課程標準已修正完成,並將開始實施,因此更希望藉由檢討教師手冊之編輯方式與編選內容,找尋更合宜的編輯方式,以期在新課程標準公佈實施後,提供公民與道德科教科用書編輯委員會編輯教師手冊之參考。 根據上述動機,本研究的目的,具體言之如下:(一)分析公民與道德科教師手冊的目的與功能。(二)探討國內外教師手冊之編輯方式與編輯重點。(三)調查了解國中教師對現行公民與道德科教師手冊內容的意見與需求。(四)歸納研究結論,進而提出理想教師手冊的編輯模式,以作為今後編輯教師手冊的參考。 本研究主要採用文獻分析與問卷調查,兼顧理論探討與實況分析兩方面,以深入了解教師的實際需求。根據本研究之發現,歸納數項結論,並據此提出若干建議如下:(一)結論: 1.目前我國教師手冊的性質,乃以協助教師準備教學與提供教學參考資料為主。 2.教師對現行國民中學公民與道德科教師手冊之編輯,大多可以接受,並深感有所助 益。 3.不同背景的教師對未來國民中學公民與道德科教師手冊之意見與求,頗為一致。 4.由於行政措施未能充分配合,以致無法充分發揮教師手冊之功能。(三)建議: 1.應建立教師手冊編輯發展模式。 2.應建立良好配發、推廣制度。 3.需提供必要而充足的行政配合與支援。 4.需提高教師與行政人員的專業知能與素養。
Currently, the teacher's handbook of "Citizenship and Morality" consists of two parts: "Teaching Abstract" and the content itself. The compilation and design for this handbook are still in eyaluation. It is expected to be a helpful and useful tool for teachers of this subject. In addition, the modification of high schooling standard may be accomplished soon; therefore, it is hiqhtime to specify the commpiling process of teacher's handbook in expectation to provide the compiling committee a reference to the compiliation of a feasible teacher's handbook. Based on the above motives, the purposes of this study were as follows: A. Analyzing on the objectives and function of the teacher's handbook concerning Citizenship and Morality. B. Studying the compiling process of teacher's handbook involved in other countries. C. Surveying high school teachers' opinions and requriements towards the current teacher's handbook of "Citizenship and Morality". D. Making Conclusions of this study in order to develop a sound compiling model for a teacher's handbook as a reference to other compilations. This study concludes: 1. The current teacher's handbook is both a guide for teaching and a reference for instruction. 2. The compilation of the teacher's handbook of "Junior High School Citizenship and Morality" is regarded acceptable and beneficial by teachers in this field. 3. The opinions and demands towards this handbook have been in agreement among the teachers with different backgrounds. 4. The function of this handbook is not well-documented due to the unconformity of administrative procedures. Accordingly, suggestions of this study consist of 1. Refining a progressive model for compiling the teacher's handbook. 2. Developing a sound system of distribution and extension. 3. Providing essential and sufficient administrative coordination and support. 4. Enhancing professional knowledge and perception of the teachers and staff in this field.



