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目的:探討大專女子排球聯賽前四強隊伍,比賽時之主動得分技術表現及其對勝負之影響。方法:以影帶拍攝2005年大專女子排球聯賽前四強決賽共6場後,分別記錄各場次之三項主動技術(攻擊、發球、攔網)表現情形,所得資料分別以百分比計算,並以獨立樣本t-test考驗比賽之勝負隊對三項主動得分技術的影響。結果:一、在攻擊的構面,四隊仍以長攻為主(佔70.3 ),其得分率僅37.1 %,遠低於單腳背飛及第二時間攻擊(66.3% & 51.9%)。二、發球的構面,以肩上發球為主(76.9 %),跳躍扣發僅佔19.3 %,發球落點則多分佈於後場及球場中心區塊,而跳躍扣發之失誤率為8.7 %,雖高於肩上發球的4.5 %,但其直接得分率為11.4% 則優於肩上發球的2.9 %,同時跳躍扣發亦較能降低對手的可組織進攻率。三、攔網的構面,位置以2號位的攔網次數最高(52 %),而二人組合攔網在攔網頻率(79.9 %)及得分率(8.4 %)方面皆為最高。四、在整體主動技術得分比例上,以攻擊得分佔42.2 %最高,攔網得分佔7.6 %次之,而發球得分佔4.3 %最低。五、比較6場次的勝隊與負隊在三項主動得分技術之差異,勝隊在攔網得分率(12.68±4.96 %)顯著優於負隊(2.50±2.24 %;p<.05),而發球及攻擊得分率則未達顯著差異水準。結論:在三項主動技術中,影響2005年大專女子排球聯賽勝負之主要關鍵為攔網之得分能力。而球員在攻擊方面應加強防守反攻之連結技術,以提升單腳背飛與第二時間攻擊之使用率;在發球方面則應提升跳躍扣發的使用率;而攔網方面則應加強二人組合攔網的訓練,以求主動技術得分的全面提昇。
Purpose:Exploring influences of the initiative score techniques performance on the win or defeat on the top 4 teams of 2005 Taiwan women's College Volleyball First Level League. Methods:3 kinds of initiative scores techniques(attack、block、serve)were filmed by video cameras. Data was analyzed by independent sample t-test. Results:1. Structure of attack, four teams (70.3 %)still relied mainly on open attack. The scoring rate of open attack 37.1 % lower than the backward flight with single foot and spike after fight forward(66.3 % & 51.9%). 2. Structure of serve, four teams relied mainly on overhand serve(76.9 %)and serve of jump spike 19.3 %. The placement of serve was distributed on back court and center position. The failure rate of serve of jump spike was 8.7 %, higher than overhand serve(4.5 %), but its scoring directly rate(11.4%)was superior to overhand serve(2.9%). 3. Structure of block, four teams relied mainly on blocking location 2nd(52 %), and double block all for being highest in frequency of blocking(79.9 %)and scoring rate(8.4 %). 4. Initiative scores technique in the whole, the frequency of attack score was the highest(42.2 %), block score was for the second place(7.6%), serve score was the lowest(4.3 %). 5. Comparing the winner in the six match with losers, there was significant difference on (p<.05) block score rate(winner 12.68±4.96 %;loser 2.50±2.24 %). There was no significant difference on serve and attack score. Conclusions: The key of the 2005 college woman's volleyball League Victory and failure in three items of initiative scores technique was the ability to score of blocking. Players should strengthen the technique of linking attack after defending in attacking to improve the rate of utilization backward flight with single foot and spike after fight forward. On the other hand, players should improve the rate of utilization of the jump spike serve in serving. In block, coach should strengthen double block to blocking training, in order to promote all initiative technology. Key words:women volleyball、initiative score、structure of technology
Purpose:Exploring influences of the initiative score techniques performance on the win or defeat on the top 4 teams of 2005 Taiwan women's College Volleyball First Level League. Methods:3 kinds of initiative scores techniques(attack、block、serve)were filmed by video cameras. Data was analyzed by independent sample t-test. Results:1. Structure of attack, four teams (70.3 %)still relied mainly on open attack. The scoring rate of open attack 37.1 % lower than the backward flight with single foot and spike after fight forward(66.3 % & 51.9%). 2. Structure of serve, four teams relied mainly on overhand serve(76.9 %)and serve of jump spike 19.3 %. The placement of serve was distributed on back court and center position. The failure rate of serve of jump spike was 8.7 %, higher than overhand serve(4.5 %), but its scoring directly rate(11.4%)was superior to overhand serve(2.9%). 3. Structure of block, four teams relied mainly on blocking location 2nd(52 %), and double block all for being highest in frequency of blocking(79.9 %)and scoring rate(8.4 %). 4. Initiative scores technique in the whole, the frequency of attack score was the highest(42.2 %), block score was for the second place(7.6%), serve score was the lowest(4.3 %). 5. Comparing the winner in the six match with losers, there was significant difference on (p<.05) block score rate(winner 12.68±4.96 %;loser 2.50±2.24 %). There was no significant difference on serve and attack score. Conclusions: The key of the 2005 college woman's volleyball League Victory and failure in three items of initiative scores technique was the ability to score of blocking. Players should strengthen the technique of linking attack after defending in attacking to improve the rate of utilization backward flight with single foot and spike after fight forward. On the other hand, players should improve the rate of utilization of the jump spike serve in serving. In block, coach should strengthen double block to blocking training, in order to promote all initiative technology. Key words:women volleyball、initiative score、structure of technology
女子排球, 主動得分, 技術構面, women volleyball, initiative score, structure of technology