
dc.contributorCheng, Rui-Fuen_US
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Shi-Kunen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文旨在探討海峽兩岸體育師資培育之現狀及差異。研究方法採用文獻分析法、比較研究法、案例分析法和實地調查法對海峽兩岸體育師資發展歷史進行了解、兩岸招生與就業制度進行比較、兩岸體育師培課程進行比較、兩岸教育實習進行比較,獲得以下結論: 一、海峽兩岸體育師資發展均起步于借鑒國外經驗,由於分治,兩岸發展出各自特色。大陸地區體育師資培育發展可以分為三個部分:清政府晚期學習國外經驗的時期、民國政府學習日本經驗的時期、1949年全面發展的時期。臺灣地區體育師資培育發展可以分為兩個部分:日治時期 (1895年—1945年) 和民國政府時期(1945年—至今)。 二、多元化入學方式是海峽兩岸招生改革方向;由單一逐漸開放多元培育方式,使師資生就業日益競爭。大陸地區考生通過高考直接可以選擇體育教育專業;臺灣地區考生還需參加學校「師資培育學院」的甄選才能修習教育學程。海峽兩岸體育師資在就業方面均面臨著就業面狹窄、從事本專業工作的比率較低。為解決這一現象,海峽兩岸各高校成立就業輔導組,幫助學生就業,拓寬學生就業面,增加學生就業管道。 三、海峽兩岸體育師資培育課程科目類型相似;相比較大陸地區,臺灣地區師培課程較為豐富,猶為重視術科教學能力。海峽兩岸體育師資培育課程均由四個部分組成,即通識課程、專業必修課程、專業選修課程、教育類課程。大陸地區教育類課程一般在專業必修課程中開設,包括教育類專業必修課程和體育類專業必修課程;臺灣地區教育課程則由師資培育學院單獨開設。 四、峽兩岸教師培育由公費走向自費,教師資格取得制度相似。通過對比大陸地區和臺灣地區教師資格申請制度可以發現,臺灣地區教師資格申請制度更為嚴格,更能與世界其他國家或地區接軌,在教師資格培育源頭就嚴格把關,控制教師的准入機制。2013年之後,大陸地區教師資格認證制度進行改革,取消師範生教師資格證書申請制度,要想取得教師資格證均需參加理論考試和筆試。 五、臺灣師培生畢業後仍須進行長達半年教育實習,海峽兩岸教育實習制度差異較大。兩岸最大的不同在於:大陸地區教育實習一般安排在大四下學期,屬於畢業門檻; 2018年之後,則是要求必須取得教師資格證書才能去參加教育實習。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to explore the current situation and differences in the cultivation of sports teachers across the Taiwan Strait. The research methods used literature analysis, comparative research, case analysis and field investigation to understand the development history of sports teachers across the Taiwan Strait, to compare the recruitment and employment system between the two sides, to compare the courses of physical education teachers training between the two sides, and to compare the educational practice between the two sides. The following conclusions were drawn: First, the development of sports teachers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait started from the experience of foreign countries. Due to the division of government, the two sides developed their own characteristics. The cultivation and development of sports teachers in mainland China can be divided into three parts: the period of learning foreign experience in the late Qing Dynasty, the period of learning Japanese experience in the Republic of China and the period of comprehensive development in 1949. The cultivation and development of sports teachers in Taiwan can be divided into two parts: the period of Japanese rule (1895-1945) and the period of the National Government (1945-present). Second, Diversified enrollment mode is the direction of cross-strait enrollment reform; from a single gradually open and diversified cultivation mode, the employment of teachers and students is increasingly competitive. Mainland candidates can directly choose physical education major through college entrance examination; Taiwan candidates also need to participate in the selection of "Teacher Training College" in order to study education courses. Sports teachers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are faced with narrow employment and low employment rate. To solve this problem, colleges and universities across the Taiwan Strait have set up employment counseling groups to help students find jobs, broaden their employment opportunities and increase their employment channels. Third, the subject types of physical education teacher-training courses on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are similar; compared with the mainland, the teacher-training courses in Taiwan are more abundant, and more attention is paid to the teaching ability of technical subjects. The physical education teacher training courses on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are composed of four parts, namely, general courses, professional compulsory courses, professional elective courses and educational courses. Education courses in mainland China are generally offered in professional compulsory courses, including compulsory courses in education and physical education; education courses in Taiwan are offered separately by teachers'training institutes. Fourth, the teacher cultivation on both sides of the Straits has changed from public to self-paid, and the teacher qualification acquisition system is similar. By comparing the application system of teacher qualification in mainland and Taiwan, we can find that the application system of teacher qualification in Taiwan is more stringent and can be more in line with other countries or regions in the world. We should strictly check the source of teacher qualification cultivation and control the access mechanism of teachers. After 2013, the teacher qualification certification system in mainland China has been reformed, and the application system for teacher qualification certificates for normal students has been abolished. In order to obtain teacher qualification certificates, both theoretical and written examinations must be taken. Fifth, after graduation, teachers and students in Taiwan still have to carry out educational practice for up to half a year. There are great differences in the educational practice system between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The biggest difference between the two sides is that educational practice in mainland China is usually arranged in the second semester of senior year, which belongs to the graduation threshold; after 2018, it is required to obtain a teacher qualification certificate to participate in educational practice.en_US
dc.subjectphysical education teacher educationen_US
dc.subjecteacher qualification certification systemen_US
dc.subjecteducational practiceen_US
dc.titleA comparative study on the cultivation of physical education teacher education across the taiwan straiten_US

