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摘要 本研究旨在檢視九年一貫國中英語教科書文法重現之情形,並且提供教科書編者以及英文老師具體建議,以達到有效之文法教學。首先,本研究依據九年一貫課程綱要之基本語言結構參考表設計一問卷,以從三十位中學英語教師的經驗與角度瞭解一般中學生普遍感到困難之文法。而後透過內容及量化分析,深入探討五個主要困難文法在各版本教科書中文法重現情形,其包含:文法重現分布、文法重現量、文法重現率、文法螺旋編纂情形及文法重現之語言環境。研究資料來源涵蓋目前廣為採用之五家出版社所發行的國中教科書(康軒、翰林、朗文、南一、何家仁)。 問卷結果顯示現在完成式、關係代名詞、被動式、過去完成式、wh子句、現在/過去分詞作形容詞等文法為目前對中學生較為困擾之文法,由於教科書皆未呈現過去完成式於內容中,因此本研究探討之主要文法為其餘五者。因這些文法困難度較高,所以足夠的文法重現量應於教科書中呈現,以幫助學生了解與應用這些文法。 教科書內容分析結果如下: (1) 大多文法重現分佈於複習課及那些呈現相同文法之螺旋課中,(2) 就五個文法在全教科書中的重現量而言,其次序分別為: 現在完成式 > 關係代名詞 > 被動式 > wh子句 > 現在/過去分詞作形容詞,此次序更與老師對此五文法之困難程度看法為相同,顯示各版本教科書對這些文法的重視程度與老師的看法為相同,(3) 就文法重現率而言,康軒、南一、及朗文教科書平均上提供較多的文法重現於教科書中,而佳音及何家仁則相對為少; 然而,根據單字習得之相關研究,一次的重現並未能有效幫助學生習得,至少五次的重現才可能產生習得(Salling, 1959),因此,如果考量課本中文法重現的品質,南一較其他的版本為優,因其能於大部分的單元課中提供同一文法至少五次的重現次數,而雖然康軒的文法重現率高,其重現品質卻未有相同的結果,(4) 此外,螺旋課提供大量的文法重現予學生,也因為朗文、康軒及南一對文法多以螺旋方式呈現,因而與其他版本相較之下,有較多的文法活動及較高的重現頻率,(5) 最後,就各版本教科書所提供的文法重現語言環境而言,只有南一及佳音版傾向提供較大的語言環境(文章或對話)於書中,然而其比例也僅約50%,因此未來在各版本教科書之編纂上仍應多為注意。 根據分析結果,本研究提供具體之建議,希望協助教科書編纂者補強英語教材內容之不足處,也期盼能幫助英語教師了解教科書之編纂情形並能從而適切地補充教材,提升其課堂教學。
ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the recycling of structures in the junior high school English textbooks and to provide pedagogical suggestions for textbook writers and language teachers. First, a questionnaire designed based on the “List of Suggested Grammar and Sentence Structures” appended to the Curriculum Guidelines was used as an instrument to investigate thirty English teachers’ perceptions regarding the troublesome structures for their students. Further, an in-depth content and quantitative analysis was conducted to investigate the recycling presentation of the five major troublesome structures for students in the textbooks, including (1) recycling distribution, (2) recycling frequency, (3) recycling rate, (4) spiral presentation, and (5) degree of contextualization for recycling. The textbooks being examined are from five publishers, including Longman, Joy, Kang-Hsuan, Nan-i, and Hess. The five troublesome structures for junior high school students included present perfect, relative clause, passive voice, past perfect, wh-clause, and present/past participle as adjective. As past perfect is not targeted in all textbooks, it was excluded in the study; the rest of the five structures were the target structures in this study. Owing to the difficulty of these structures, it was supposed that adequate recycling should be provided in the textbooks. The recycling of the five structures was then examined after they are first taught. The results of analysis can be summarized as follows. First, the distribution of recycled structures falls mostly in two kinds of lessons: lessons that provide spiral learning for the target structure, and review or recycle lessons that aim to review the structures. Second, the overall recycling frequencies of structures in textbooks from high to low are: Present perfect > Relative clause > Passive voice > Wh-clause > Present/Past participle as adjective. This order matches with teachers’ perceptions of the level of difficulty these structures are. This indicates that textbooks do emphasize more on the structures that are regarded by teachers to be troublesome. Third, the extent target structures are recycled in textbooks is as follows: Textbook K > Textbook N > Textbook L > Textbook J > Textbook H. Averagely, Textbook K, Textbook N, and Textbook L normally provide more recycling of target structures for learners compared to Textbook J and Textbook H. However, if considering the quality of recycling in the textbooks, Textbook N performs the best among all, for it provides at least a threshold of five exposures to a target structure in most lessons. Although Textbook K has the highest recycling rate, it does not show similar high quality of recycling. Fourth, Textbook L, Textbook K, and Textbook N tend to provide spiral learning for the structures, facilitating the recycling of the structures for students. With the spiral lesson, more recycling of the structures is provided. Fifth, the proportions for recycling structures in passages/dialogues in textbooks range between 30% and 55%. Although Textbook N and Textbook J tend to present the recycled structures in passages or dialogues, the percentages are only around 50%, showing the inadequacies of textbooks for presenting structures in large contexts, like passages and dialogues. Overall, based on the research findings, some pedagogical implications are provided in the study for textbook writers and language teachers.



九年一貫, 英語教科書, 困難文法, 文法重現, Nine-year Integrated Curriculum, English textbooks, troublesome structures, structure recycling





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