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本研究旨在探討臺北市立麗山高中學校體育特色課程發展過程及不同背景變項學生學習滿意度之差異情形。本研究採質量並重的方法蒐集資料,以半結構式訪談及文件分析等質性方法,探討學校體育特色課程發展過程,採立意取樣方式,選擇教師4名、應屆畢業生6名及畢業校友2名,共計12名進行訪談,並以內容分析法分類與詮釋質性資料。在學習滿意度部分,則以研究者自編之「學校體育特色課程學生學習滿意度問卷調查」為研究工具,以臺北市麗山高中100學年度入學新生313名,扣除預試學生97名,共計發出問卷216份,回收有效問卷209份,回收率96.7 %。問卷調查所得資料以描述統計、t考驗等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果:一、99體育課程綱要的實施,讓學校能發展體育特色課程,而教師專長、學生需求、學校願景及體育政策都是課程發展的考量因素;體育特色課程符合學生特質及需求,提供多樣化的運動項目,豐富學生學習經驗;未來將以增進體育教師專業知能,持續發展學校體育特色課程為努力目標。二、學校體育特色課程整體學習滿意度得分為4.18分,達滿意程度以上,各因素構面滿意度介於4.13 - 4.28分之間,皆達滿意程度以上。三、不同學生背景變項,在學校體育特色課程學習滿意度,各因素構面皆未達顯著差異。結論:學校體育特色課程,具實用性與連貫性,並符合學生特質及需求,對於體育特色課程的學習感到滿意,有助於提升學習成效。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of Feature Curriculum for Physical Education in Taipei Municipal Lishan Senior High School and the satisfaction with the curriculum for the different background students. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis were adopted to explore the development of the Feature Curriculum. Four teachers, six 12th graded students and two alumni, total of 12 participants, were purposely sampled for interview. Qualitative data were categorized and interpreted via content analysis. Researcher’s self-designed questionnaire, “Students’ Satisfaction Level of the Feature Curriculum for Physical Education in LSSH”, was distributed to 216 students who were admitted in 2011, with 97 pilot-tested students excluded. The numbers of valid survey were 209, with a response rate of 96.7%. Survey data were analyzed with Descriptive Statistics and Independent Samples t-Test. Results: (1) Implementation of Guidelines for Physical Education Curriculum in Senior High Schools made it possible to develop a school-based curriculum which correspond to the features of Lishan Senior High School. Teachers’ professional strengths, students’ needs, school prospects, and education policies were the factors to consider for curriculum development. Course blueprints and designs could not only match the students’ characteristics and demands, but also provide a good variety of sports to help students enrich their learning experiences. The future goals were to keep enhancing teachers’ professional knowledge and skill, and to continue developing feature curriculum for physical education. (2) The overall students’ satisfaction level was satisfactory with a mean rating of 4.18, while the satisfactory level of all influencing factors ranged from 4.13 to 4.28. (3) No significant difference in students’ satisfactory level was found for gender difference and different background variables. Conclusion: Practical and consistent school-based curriculum which corresponded to features of Lishan Senior High School and met the needs and characteristics of students, and the students’ satisfaction level towards feature curriculum, were helpful to promote their learning effects.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of Feature Curriculum for Physical Education in Taipei Municipal Lishan Senior High School and the satisfaction with the curriculum for the different background students. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis were adopted to explore the development of the Feature Curriculum. Four teachers, six 12th graded students and two alumni, total of 12 participants, were purposely sampled for interview. Qualitative data were categorized and interpreted via content analysis. Researcher’s self-designed questionnaire, “Students’ Satisfaction Level of the Feature Curriculum for Physical Education in LSSH”, was distributed to 216 students who were admitted in 2011, with 97 pilot-tested students excluded. The numbers of valid survey were 209, with a response rate of 96.7%. Survey data were analyzed with Descriptive Statistics and Independent Samples t-Test. Results: (1) Implementation of Guidelines for Physical Education Curriculum in Senior High Schools made it possible to develop a school-based curriculum which correspond to the features of Lishan Senior High School. Teachers’ professional strengths, students’ needs, school prospects, and education policies were the factors to consider for curriculum development. Course blueprints and designs could not only match the students’ characteristics and demands, but also provide a good variety of sports to help students enrich their learning experiences. The future goals were to keep enhancing teachers’ professional knowledge and skill, and to continue developing feature curriculum for physical education. (2) The overall students’ satisfaction level was satisfactory with a mean rating of 4.18, while the satisfactory level of all influencing factors ranged from 4.13 to 4.28. (3) No significant difference in students’ satisfactory level was found for gender difference and different background variables. Conclusion: Practical and consistent school-based curriculum which corresponded to features of Lishan Senior High School and met the needs and characteristics of students, and the students’ satisfaction level towards feature curriculum, were helpful to promote their learning effects.
99體育科課程綱要, 學校本位課程, 學習滿意度, Curriculum Guidelines for Physical Education in Senior High Schools, school-based curriculum, learning satisfaction