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輔導學生健康、快樂的成長,是國家重大施政作為之一,亦是教育工作者責無旁貸之事。換言之,唯有在和諧、安全的環境裡,學校的教育活動才能落實;然而危機無所不在,校園內外的意外事件頻傳,不論造成任何輕重傷亡,均引起學生、學校、家長及社會大眾關注。難關基本上是一種危機,如何預防與處理危機的關鍵在於是否有適當的警覺和有效的解決方案,因此平日就必須透過管理的歷程,有效的處理因應,使相關人員之傷害減至最低。 本研究主要依據危機管理之相關理論基礎,以探討危機管理的歷程,闡述校園危機管理的應用,並以大學登山隊山難事件為例,將危機管理區分為危機前、危機中、危機後三個階段,危機前重視預防與準備,危機中強調處理與控制,危機後則必須追蹤與學習,提出具體作法。 採用質性研究之立意取樣方式,選取資料豐富個案,即3所大學校院之3位學生事務長、3位社團指輔導老師與3位社團負責人或重要幹部,共計9位,擔任研究參與者,除與研究者建立信賴關係外,並採用研究參與者檢核、三角檢定、厚實敘寫等方式建立本研究之信實度。透過半結構式訪談作為最主要資料蒐集方式,由於研究參與者均曾經歷大學登山隊山難事件之處理,更可瞭解其面對危機--山難事件時之心態與想法,以助研究者整合理論與實證,提出有效建議以提供各校參考。研究結果如下: 一、研究參與者參與與輔導登山社歷程 (一)學生方面 參與社團動機有所不同;運用理性與感性兼具的領導方式;家人支持程度與高額出隊費用為參與登山活動之阻力;對參與登山活動給予極正面評價,認為登山可以開闊心胸增廣見聞、涵養堅持到底精神並培養成為領導者各項能力。 (二)社團指輔導老師方面 具備學務人員正向特質,協助學生發展;輔導活動首重安全;阻力源自學校未給予絕對支持;助力為登山社團凝聚力強;學生對於登山的熱情影響老師保有赤子之心。 (三)學生事務長方面 具有豐富行政經驗,學生事務工作朝向學生服務與學生發展方向前進;肯定登山活動的價值;認為學生接觸大自然可促進身心健康,唯事前準備工作要完善。 二、危機管理意識認知 (一)危機定義不明確:研究參與者對危機的看法眾說紛紜,普遍而言,危機會危害安全,以登山而言,遭遇山難就是一種危機。 (二)校園危機認知有落差:學生事務人員相當重視與瞭解校園危機,而學生則較不注意。 (三)危機管理的內涵:預防勝於治療,模擬危機情況與訂定處理計畫,防患未然;面對危機時,誠實面對明快處理。 (四)校園危機管理機制:校安中心運作得宜;分層通報負責;設置統一發言人;勇於負責與學習預防危機乃為理想危機管理機制。 三、大學登山隊相關人員責任 (一)行政責任 登山者應具備自保能力,學習自我管理;領隊與嚮導身負活動安全重任;學校輔導工作應落實。 (二)民事責任與刑事責任 研究參與者均未提及民事責任與刑事責任部分,顯示對於法律責任較無概念。 四、研究參與者學校之山難事件分析 (一)發生原因方面 甲校與乙校均為天候不佳以致於失聯,丙校登山隊則是有攜帶衛星電話所以未有失聯狀況,但卻進行兩次求援。 (二)行前準備方面 計畫書進行社內三審制度;加強體能訓練;辦理講座增進登山知識;注意天候增加糧食。 (三)危機處理方面 1.學校方面在山下之處置:瞭解狀況組成應變小組立即處理;師長親臨現場表達關切之意;與家長保持密切聯繫;召開家長說明會;學校發出新聞稿以正視聽;召開記者會向大眾說明。 2.登山隊方面在山上之處置:領隊決策保守以安全為首要考量;尋找安全紮營地點;聯絡留守同學;控制糧食。 (四)善後檢討方面 學校持續表達關心;社團召開山難檢討會議並撰寫山難報告;致謝相關人員;社團召開訓練課程經驗傳承;為社團增添設備;舉辦座談會邀請相關師長與登山社同學參加。 五、編製山難危機管理流程圖 本研究根據上述結果,針對教育行政主管機關、學校、社團指輔導老師及學生等對象,參與登山活動之危機管理提出具體建議,也對未來研究提出建議。 關鍵字:校園危機、危機管理、大學登山隊、山難事件
It is one of important policies for the competent authority to counsel students’ health and allow them to growth contentedly, and an unavoidable responsibility for people who engaged in the education field. In other words, only in a harmonious and safe environment, the school's educational activities can be practically implemented. However, crises are ever-present, accidents inside and outside campus occur frequently. Regardless of the severity of any casualty, it will draw the attention from students, schools, parents and the community. The obstacle is basically a crisis, and the key to prevent and mange the crisis depends on whether there is an appropriate awareness of the situation, and an effective solution to the crisis. Therefore, the damage inflicted on the people must be reduced to a minimum through constant crisis management and effective crisis response procedures. The main basis of this research is theoretical foundation related to crisis management, analysis of the crisis management procedure, and detailed explanation of the applications of campus crisis management. In addition, taking the university mountaineering club as an example, and dividing the crisis management into the following three stages: prior to the crisis, during the crisis, and after the crisis. Before the crisis, the focus is placed on prevention and preparedness. During the crisis, handling and control is stressed. After the crisis, the focus is on the following up, learning and making proposals for specific measures. Following the qualitative research purposive sampling method to select and gather informative-rich cases, three university/college deans of Student Affairs, three student association guidance teachers and three student club presidents or important cadres, a total of nine people participated in this study. Apart from the establishment of trust between the researcher and participants, member check, triangulation, think description and other methods were also applied in order to establish the trustworthiness of this study. The information gathering method was mainly through semi-structured interviews. Since the study participants had experienced in handling university student mountaineering incidents, the interviews provided better understanding on when facing the crisis – both emotional and psychological reactions. With this knowledge, it helped the researchers to integrate the theory and the evidence, and effectively propose recommendations to school. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Study participants’ involvement and counseling the mountaineering course (1) Student There are different motives for joining student clubs. Adopt both of the rational and emotional style of leadership. Degree of family support and the high cost of mountain-climbing has become a barrier to participate in mountaineering activities. Have a very positive assessment towards mountaineering. The idea that mountaineering can open people’s mind, broaden people’s knowledge, cultivate people’s spirit of persistence and develop people’s capability of being a leader. (2) Social club’s guidance teachers Possesses the positive characteristics as to be an academic staff and assists students in their development. Counsels students on emphasizing safety when handling activities. Resistance comes from the school by not giving absolute support. Support from mountaineering club’s cohesiveness. Student’s enthusiasm for mountaineering brings out the man’s natural kindness in the teacher. (3) Dean of Student Affairs Possessed many administrative experiences. Student affairs are towards student services and student development. Affirm the value of mountaineering activities. Consider that students’ interaction with the nature can promote health and well-being. Perfecting preparations are prior to the mountaineering activity. 2. Crisis management awareness and recognition (1) Unclear definition of a crisis: Viewpoints of study participants on the crisis are divergent. In general, the crisis is a threat to security. Taking mountaineering as an example, experiencing a mountain incident is a crisis. (2) A divergent recognition on campus crisis: Student affairs staff paid considerable attention and understand the seriousness of a campus crisis, but students do not pay much attention. (3) The content of the crisis management: Prevention is better than cure. Simulate crisis situations and set out plans to deal with possible disruptions. Being prepared does not guard against mishaps. When faced with a crisis, the best way to handle the crisis is to face it and handle it swiftly. (4) Campus crisis management mechanisms: University security center functioning properly. Multilevel means of communication. Set up a unified spokesman. Being responsible and willing to learn about crisis prevention is the ideal mechanism for crisis management. 3. Responsibilities of the associated members in the university mountaineering club. (1) Administrative responsibilities. Climbers should have the ability of self-protection and self-management. The group manager and guide have a heavy responsibility on the safety of the activity. School counseling services should be implemented. (2) Civil liability and criminal liability. The study participants did not mention civil liabilities or criminal responsibilities, and this shows that they do not have the concept of legal responsibility. 4. Analysis of the mountaineering incident and the study participants. (1) The causes of the incident School A and school B lost contact due to poor weather conditions. School C was carrying a satellite phone so they did not lost contact, but they called twice for help. (2) Preparations prior to departure The proposal has to pass through 3 trials in the club. Strengthen physical training. Offer seminars to promote mountaineering knowledge. Pay attention to the weather and increase food supply. (3) Handling a crisis a. School’s handling of the crisis at the foot of the mountain: Investigate the situation and immediately form a response team. Have the commanding officer personally express concern of the situation. Maintain close contact with parents. Organize a meeting to update the situation to parents. School issuing a press release to set the record straight. Hold a news conference to the public. b. Climbers’ handling of the crisis on the mountain area: A conservative decision-making and place safety above all considerations. Find a safe camping site. Contact students that remained behind. Control of food supply. (4) Review of the outcome: The school is continuing to express its concern. Mountaineering club holds a mountain rescue review meeting and make the mountain rescue report in writing. Give gratitude to related personnel. The club holds training courses to pass on the experience. The club will get additional equipment. Organize seminars then invite teachers and students to participate. 5. The preparation of the mountain crisis management flowchart This study based on the above findings, offer concrete mountaineering crisis management proposals to educational authorities, schools, clubs, counseling teachers and students, and also offer recommendations for future research. Key Words: campus crisis; crisis management; university mountaineering team; mountain rescue incident.



校園危機, 危機管理, 大學登山隊, 山難事件, campus crisis, crisis management, university mountaineering team, mountain rescue incident

