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本研究旨在探悉新竹地區高中學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜之現況,探討不同背景變項之新竹地區高中學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜之差異情形,探討新竹地區高中學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜各層面間的關聯性。 本研究以民國一百一十一學年度就讀新竹地區公、私立高中職日間部一、二、三年級在學高中學生為母群體,採用問卷調查研究法,以分層叢集便利取樣方式,共得413份有效樣本。以SPSS軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關,對蒐集之樣本進行分析,得出以下結論:一、新竹地區高中學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜呈現中下崇拜程度,其中以「忠誠相隨」為最高。二、具不同個人背景變項之新竹地區高中學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜的差異情況:(一) 男性學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜程度大於女性學生。(二) 公立學校學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜程度大於私立學校學生。(三) 可支配零用錢額度越多、每次觀看的時間越長之學生偶像崇拜程度優於可支配零用錢額度較少、每次觀看時間較短、觀看男性網路創作者之學生。(四) 觀看女性網路創作者之學生對數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜程度大於觀看男性網路創作者之學生。三、新竹地區高中學生之數位分身虛擬網紅偶像崇拜中各層面間之相關情形呈顯著正相關。
The purpose of this study is to explore the study on Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area,and to compare the differences of students' idolatry different personal background,also to analyze the relations among all dimensions of the study on Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area. The population of the study was the senior high school students in Hsinchu area in 111 academy years.By useing questionnaire survey, this study collected 413 valid samples.The data was analyzed by using the SPSS software,descriptive statistics,independent sample t test,one-way analysis of variance,and Pearson correlation coefficient.The empirical result of the above study were synthesized as follows: 1.The degree Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu are was middle-low level.Among all,"loyalty follow'' is the highest. 2.The discrepancies in Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area among personal background variables: (1) The male students' virtual youtuber degree of idolatry is higher than female students. (2) The Public schools students' virtual youtuberdegree of idolatry is higher than private school students.(3) Virtual youtuber degree of idolatry for students who had more amount of allowance,and more time per view is higher than who had less amount of allowance,and less time per view.(4) Students who watched female Internet creators had a higher degree of virtual YouTuber idolatry than students who watched male Internet creators.3.There is significant positive correlation between relations among all dimensions of the study on Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area.
The purpose of this study is to explore the study on Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area,and to compare the differences of students' idolatry different personal background,also to analyze the relations among all dimensions of the study on Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area. The population of the study was the senior high school students in Hsinchu area in 111 academy years.By useing questionnaire survey, this study collected 413 valid samples.The data was analyzed by using the SPSS software,descriptive statistics,independent sample t test,one-way analysis of variance,and Pearson correlation coefficient.The empirical result of the above study were synthesized as follows: 1.The degree Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu are was middle-low level.Among all,"loyalty follow'' is the highest. 2.The discrepancies in Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area among personal background variables: (1) The male students' virtual youtuber degree of idolatry is higher than female students. (2) The Public schools students' virtual youtuberdegree of idolatry is higher than private school students.(3) Virtual youtuber degree of idolatry for students who had more amount of allowance,and more time per view is higher than who had less amount of allowance,and less time per view.(4) Students who watched female Internet creators had a higher degree of virtual YouTuber idolatry than students who watched male Internet creators.3.There is significant positive correlation between relations among all dimensions of the study on Idolatry of virtual youtuber of senior high school students in Hsinchu area.
高中生, 數位分身虛擬網紅, 偶像崇拜, Idolatry, Virtual youtuber, Senior high school students