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當代「藝術統整課程」理論與實踐之研究 摘要 基於現今藝術教師,對藝術統整課程意義不甚瞭解,藝術學科專業知能也不足,使實施流於淺薄等弊病,進行藝術統整課程的理論與實踐研究,以提供教師進行藝術統整課程的參考。為達到上述目的,本研究先藉由文獻分析,釐清藝術教育中藝術統整課程的重要觀點、學科內涵,探討國內、外藝術統整課程論文與實務之相關研究,作為發展藝術統整課程理論之參考;再利用訪談,瞭解國內藝術統整課程的實踐現況與理論之間的落差。為弭平理論與實踐的鴻溝,應用行動研究的方法,發展藝術統整課程,作為實務工作者將來進行藝術統整課程之參考。 綜合本研究結果,提出下列結論: 一、藝術統整課程的實踐有其基本理論 (一)當代藝術(教育)界的轉變,使課程傾向統整的藝術教育(學)方式。 (二)視覺藝術學科本身具有科際整合的特性,可成為統整很好的黏著劑,擴展學生學習的深度與廣度。 (三)藝術統整課程應以藝術為核心,考量各種因素,進行深度意義的主題統整設計,引領學生瞭解藝術與生活、文化的關係,建構本身的知識,進而能轉化應用。 (四)藝術統整課程使視覺藝術不只是技能的學習,而能透過主(議)題探索意義、表達看法,使藝術的學習更深入。 (五)在藝術統整課程實踐的過程要考量學生、教師、學科、環境等影響因素才能有利於藝術統整課程的進行。 二、藝術統整課程的實踐要顧及學科內涵 (一)進行藝術統整課程時,目標及內容上要掌握藝術、文化、生活的關聯及人文涵養的融入,選擇適當藝術品作為探討對象。 (二)藝術統整課程的教學方法,要兼顧鑑賞與創作的歷程教學,及一般的教學法,才能達到深度的學習。 (三)藝術統整課程要採真實多元的評量方式及訂出評量指標,才能瞭解學生的成長歷程及指引其努力的方向。 三、國內外藝術統整課程論文與實例研究的啟示 (一)(藝術)統整課程實施成功的重要因素,值得作為藝術實踐時的考量。 (二)以主題或議題為中心概念的方式,是普遍採用的教學策略;統整的科目以語文和社會學科居多。 (三)藝術統整課程在決定重要意念或主(議)題後,可發展關鍵概念與討論重點,給予主題方向和引導。 (四)藝術教師要練習團隊合作。 四、當前藝術教師教學實踐的問題與困境 (一)國內藝術統整課程現況的最大問題是,藝術教師對統整課程的認知及藝術學科專業知能不足。 (二)國內教師實施藝術統整課程在校內外遭遇的困境有待解決,藝術統整課程才能順利進行。 五、教師可透過藝術統整課程行動研究將理論轉化為實踐 (一)在前置作業上透過各種方法先解決面臨的困境。 (二)瞭解當前藝術教師教學實踐的問題,作為課程行動研究的起點。 (三)以核心理念架構藝術統整課程。 (四)透過課程行動研究的歷程,將理論轉化為實際的教學活動。 (五)實施結果發現,學生學會以不同藝術方式,來表達對議題的理解與看法;學得多元能力及幫助其他學科的學習。教師帶來專業成長。但學校的文化、體制、學生的學習態度與配合度會影響學習成效。 根據上述結論,本研究對教育行政機關、學校、教師及進一步的研究提出建議。 一、對教育行政機關提出「重新擬定藝術與人文領域分科的課程綱要,及訂出評量標準供教師檢核自己的教學」「增加藝術教學時數、提供良好教科書、教學案例及改變藝術教師研習方式,才能有利於後續藝術統整課程的推動」「制定相關的配套措施,將可增加藝術統整課程實施成功的機會」三項建議,以期能增進課程統整的成效。 二、對學校行政提出「學校盡量做到不將「藝術與人文」領域的課程配課,以免損及學生學習權益」、「學校行政單位要做好藝術統整課程的各項支援工作」、「學校可透過策略聯盟的方式,支援學校的藝術教師與其它學校的藝術教師建立親密的夥伴關係」三項建議,以利於課程統整的實施。 三、對教師提出「教師要理解藝術統整課程的真正意義並實施之,才可提高藝術教育的價值與地位」、「教師要加強教育、視覺藝術教育專業知能與具備行動研究、教學反思的能力」、「藝術教師要積極努力,才能爭取到較多的教學時數」、「藝術教師要慢慢培養合作的觀念,單打獨鬥的方式已不適合現今的需求」四項建議,供教師參考。 四、對於未來想要進行後續研究的人,提出「擴大研究對象」「擴大研究層面」之建議。
A Study on the Theories and Practices of Contemporary Integrated Arts Curriculum Abstract In view of the fact that art teachers nowadays do not fully realize the significance of integrated arts curriculum and that their deficiency in professional knowledge often results in shallow practice, this study aims to serve as a reliable pedagogic reference by engaging in the investigations of contemporary integrated art theories and practices. In order to meet the above-mentioned goals, this study seeks to investigate the key perspectives and meanings of the integrated art curriculum. It also examines several treatises and relevant research conducted home and abroad on the subject of integrated art curriculum. The result will serve as a reference for putting theory into practice. Additionally, through a series of interviews, this study gains a more thorough understanding of the discrepancy between theory and practice in Taiwan's current integrated art education. To bridge the gap between theory and practice, Action Research is adopted to help determine what feasible ways there are of transforming theories into practice in integrated art education, thereby developing a more applicable integrated art curriculum for art practitioners as future reference. Conclusions reached based on research results I. The Practice of Integrated Arts Curriculum Has Its Basic Theories 1. Changes taking place within contemporary art circles orient the art curriculum towards an integrated mode of education. 2. Visual arts per se are characterized by their interdisciplinary orientation. This interdisciplinary character can in turn serve as a ready adhesive for theory-practice integration to help students broaden the depth and width in learning. 3. Arts should be the core of integrated art curriculum while other factors should also be taken into account in the integrated design of a better-rounded theme curriculum. It is hoped that under such integrated curriculum, students may be able to cultivate better understandings of the relationship between art, life, and culture; build up their own knowledge of arts and transform it to real-life practices. 4. Through the practice of integrated art curriculum, visual arts are able to transcend above a mere repertoire of skill learning. Through theme or topical learning, students are encouraged to explore the meanings of arts, express their opinions, and gained a deeper and more comprehensive artistic training. 5. Factors such as students, instructors, subjects and environment need to be carefully considered in integrating arts curricula. II. The Realization of Integrated Arts Curriculum Should Take into Account the Fundamental Values and Meanings of Each Individual Subject. 1. Artworks for the integrated curriculum must be appropriate in the sense that they have incorporated a humanistic appreciation of arts and explored the close rapport between art, culture and life. 2. In order to achieve a truly profound learning experience, integrated arts curriculum should not only utilize the common pedagogy but also encompass the process learning of artistic creation and appreciation. 3. To better understand students’ progress of learning and to show them directions for future improvement, integrated arts curriculum should adopt a authentic and multiple way of assessment as well as an evaluation rubric. III. The Lessons of the Study on Domestic and Foreign Treatises and Practices of the Integrated Art Curriculum 1. The key factors in the success of an integrated arts curriculum should be taken into account in the realization of artistry. 2. Topic or theme are often adopted as the integral concepts of a teaching method. Language and humanities subjects tend to utilize these methods. 3. Once the big ideas and themes of an integrated arts curriculum are decided, key concepts and essential questions may be introduced to give students an overall sense of the curriculum themes. 4. Art teachers should collaborate with real art practitioners. IV. The Problems and Predicaments of Current Art Teaching 1. The major problem in Taiwan’s current art curriculum is art teachers’ lack of professional knowledge and limited understanding of the integrated art scheme. 2. The problems teachers face inside and outside of school when they seek to integrate the arts curriculum must be solved first so that the integrated scheme can run smoothly and properly. V. Through Action Research, Teachers can Transform Theory into Real-life Practice 1. Predicaments should be solved first in preparation for the realization of the integrated arts curriculum. 2. A better understanding of the problems and difficulties in integrated arts teaching can serve as a starting point of curriculum action research. 3. “Core Ideology” is used to integrate the arts curriculum 4. Theories are transformed into practical learning activities through curriculum action research 5. The outcome of the curriculum shows that students not only learn to express themselves through different artistic media but also cultivate a multiple capability to help with the learning of other academic subjects. Teachers have also benefited a lot from the curriculum. It is found out that, however, campus culture, administrative system as well as students’ learning attitudes and coordination will greatly influence the effects of the curriculum. Based on the above conclusions, this study propose the following suggestions for the Ministry of Education, schools and teachers. 1. For the Ministry of Education, the study proposes three suggestions in the hope of enhancing the overall effects of integrated art curriculum: (A) Reorganize the curriculum guidelines for Arts and Humanity subjects and provide a teaching evaluation criteria for teachers’ reference. (B) Increase the total hours of art classes, provide the textbooks proper, offer teaching modules and improve the ways of further training for art teachers, so as to facilitate the propagation of subsequent integrated art curriculum. (C) The Ministry of Education should institute relevant policies regarding the integrated curriculum, so as to increase its chance of success. 2.For schools, this study proposes three suggestions in terms of benefiting the execution of the Integrated Arts Curriculum: (A) Schools should stick to the principle that no Arts and Humanities class should be cut in favor of other subjects so that students’ rights shall not be violated (B) Administrative units should support the arts integrated curriculum with carefully-planned and well-maintained back-up service. (C) Schools should encourage and support their art teachers to establish close rapport with those at other schools through strategic affiliation. 3.For teachers, this study proposes four suggestions for their reference: (A) Teachers should be familiar with the true meanings of integrated art curriculum so as to enhance the value and status of art education. (B) Overall skills and professional knowledge need to be strengthened on the teachers’ part, especially those in visual arts education. Teachers should also possess the ability of action research and a self-critical thinking. (C) Art teachers should take every initiative to demonstrate the significance of artistic knowledge. It is hoped then that more teaching hours will be given to art education. (D) Teachers should learn to coordinate and cooperate with one another. A one-man’s fight no longer suffices the needs nowadays. 4.For those who would like to further research into this area, this study suggests expanding (A) the target groups and (B) the aspects of investigation



視覺藝術, 藝術與人文, 統整課程, 課程統整, 藝術教育, 行動研究, visual art, arts and humanity, integrated curriculum, curriculum integration, art education, action research





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