
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在瞭解幼兒生活自理能力和父母教養類型的現況,並檢測兩者之間的關係。以新竹縣、新北市,及台北市幼稚園的465位四歲幼兒為對象,並採用「幼兒生活自理能力量表」與「家長教養量表」收集資料,透過SPSS19.0的資料處理與分析,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析問卷的結果顯示: 一、幼兒在生活自理能力各向度的表現,以如廁自理能力表現最佳, 其次依序為清潔衛生自理能力、睡眠自理能力、衣著自理能力,而以飲食自理能力表現最差。 二、家長傾向以「開明權威」的教養方式居多,其次依序為「專制權威」、「過度保護」及「忽視冷漠」的教養方式。 三、家長愈傾向開明權威的教養方式,其幼兒生活自理能力表現愈佳 ;反之,家長愈傾向過度保護或忽視冷漠的教養方式,其幼兒生活自理能力表現愈不佳。 四、家長教養類型不會因幼兒性別而有差異。 五、女生在飲食、衣著、睡眠,及清潔衛生四項的生活自理能力表現較優於男生,唯獨如廁自理能力的表現並未因性別而有顯著差異。 六、居住於城市之幼兒其飲食、衣著、睡眠、如廁,及清潔衛生五項生活自理能力表現皆優於居住於鄉鎮者。 七、 高社經地位之幼兒其飲食、衣著、睡眠、如廁,及清潔衛生五項生活自理能力表現皆優於低社經地位者。 八、居住於鄉鎮之受試者的專制權威、過度保護及忽視冷漠教養類型高於居住於城市者,但居住於城市之受試者在開明權威類型則高於居住於鄉鎮者。 九、低社經地位之家長傾向於專制權威型、過度保護型及忽視冷漠型教養方式高於高社經地位之家長,及高社經地位之家長傾向於開明權威型的教養方式高於中社經及低社經地位之家長。 根據研究結果顯示,只有少數幾項生活自理能力項目有九成以上 的幼兒能經常完成,建議幼兒的父母、主要照顧者及教師可以加強日 常生活自理能力的訓練。而且,從家長教養類型推測幼兒生活自理能 力表現,發現開明權威的教養方式與幼兒較佳的生活自理能力表現為 正相關,建議幼兒的父母、主要照顧者及教師能多以開明權威的教養 方式,溫柔堅持地訓練幼兒生活自理能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this study were to figure out young children’s life skills and their parenting types and to explore the relation between children’s life skills and parenting type. The paticipants included 465 young children at the age of 4 years who recruited from several public kindergartens in Taipei, New Taipei and Hsin-chu county. By using “ Young Children Life Skills Scale” and “Parenting Scale”, the main findings were listed as follows: A.Results on the dimensions of young children’s life skills indicated that toileting self-care skills were better than cleaning and hygiene self-care skills, sleeping self-care skills, dressing self-care skills, and eating self-care skills. B.Results on the dimensions of parenting types indicated that parent preferred more authoritative parenting than authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and uninvolved parenting. C.There’s no difference between boys and girls in parenting types. D.If parent preferred authoritative parenting, their children’s life skills would be better than those children whose parenting preferred permissive and uninvolved. E.Girls showed better than boys in eating, dressing, sleeping, and cleaning hygiene self-care skills. There’s no difference between boys and girls in toileting self-care skills. F.Young children who lived in the city showed better than those who lived in the county in toileting, eating, dressing, sleeping, and cleaning hygiene self-care skills. G.Young children whose parents had high social and economic status showed better than low social and economic status in toileting, eating, dressing, sleeping, and cleaning hygiene self-care skills. H.Young children whose parent had high and social status showed better than those who had low and social status in toileting, eating, dressing, sleeping, and cleaning hygiene self-care skills. I.Young children in the city whose parent preferred more authoritative parenting than those who lived in the county. Young children in the county whose parent preferred more authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and uninvolved parenting than those who lived in the city. J.Young children whose parent had high and social status preferred more authoritative parenting than those who had low, middle and social status. Young children whose parent had low and social status preferred more authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and uninvolved parenting than those who had high and social status. According to this study, we found young children need more training in life skills. We suggest parents and teachers could expand more opportunities to practice all kinds of life skills by authoritative parenting.en_US
dc.subjectlife skillsen_US
dc.subjectparenting typeen_US
dc.subjectyoung childrenen_US
dc.titleThe Relation between Young Children's Life Skills and Parenting Typesen_US

