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本研究探討日本時代日本人按怎研究、教學臺灣本土語言,特別重視hia--ê教材有啥物款的特色。日本時代是按1895年6月17到1945年10月25,有51冬久。本文以彼前半期的時間做研究對象,也就是對樺山資紀總督的始政宣言(1895)到臺灣教育令宣布(1919),大約是24冬。 當時的臺灣本土語言大約分臺灣閩南語(臺灣語)、臺灣客家語(廣東語)、臺灣南島語(蕃語),這寡語言的教學、教材的發展攏無仝。為著舞清楚這个問題需要對伊的源頭講起,譬論講臺灣語研究分析是繼承佇廈門佮臺灣島的傳教士進行的語言研究,臺灣客家語教材的起源是對臺灣閩南語教材的翻譯開始,臺灣南島語研究無前人研究,是對殖產局相關人士抑是撫墾署員的調查開始。因為上初期各个語言研究和教材的關係互相密切,所以概括閩南語、客家語、南島語攏歸納為臺灣本土語言,做伙討論也不止仔妥當。 本文以有出版的教材做主要資料,koh加上當時有關語言教授法的雜誌論文、報紙記事、總督府檔案等史料做補充資料,查明教育的進展,koh照語言教育史的方法分做黎明期(1895-1898)、發展期(1898-1907)、確立期(1907-1919);敘述臺灣語カナ音標系統的創造以及普及,私立、官立教育機關籌辦,伊的課程規劃佮教學活動。本文看重教材類型以及綴時代的變遷,提倡分類臨時教材、翻譯教材、對譯教材、情景教程教材、發音學習教材、辭典、習題集7个類型。 本文回顧按內地人的臺灣本土語言學習、教學、研究的歷史,仝時做規劃將來對外地人士的臺灣本土語言教學、學習的發展。
This study explores how Japanese mainlanders studied and taught Taiwanese native languages during the Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan, especially with a focus on the characteristics of teaching materials. Taiwan had been occupied by the Japanese for 51 years, from June 17, 1895 to October 25, 1945. This thesis pays attention to the first 24 years of the period, namely from the declaration of the start of administration by General Kabayama Sukenori in 1895 to the proclamation of Taiwanese Education Order in 1919. During that time, native languages in Taiwan included Taiwanese southern Min (Taiwango), Hakka languages (Kwantongo), and several Formosan languages (Bango). Since the teaching methods and materials of these languages were quite different, we need to investigate into their origins in order to clarify the development of language teaching in each language. For example, researches and analyses on Taiwanese southern Min followed the earlier linguistic researches conducted by missionaries in Taiwan and Amoy. Hakka language textbooks were originally translated from the example of southern Min textbooks. Researches on Formosan languages began with the social investigation work of Bureau of Colonial Industry Development and Bureau of Pacification and Exploitation since there had been almost no previous study by then. In an effort to outline the development of language studies and teaching, this thesis mainly focuses on published teaching materials, together with supplementary materials such as historical data in bulletins, newspapers and the archives of Government of Formosa (Taiwan Sotokufu) in respect of language teaching issues at that time. Furthermore, it explores the creation and popularization of Taiwanese Kana phonetic system, the establishment of both private and public educational organizations, as well as their curriculum planning and teaching activities. In light of this, the educational history of Taiwanese native languages can be divided into the initiative period (1895-1898), the period of development (1898-1907), and the period of establishment (1907-1919). Moreover, this thesis put emphasis on the types and development of teaching materials, which could be divided into 7 categories: temporary materials, translation, parallel texts, scenario texts, pronunciation textbooks, dictionaries, and workbooks. This thesis reviews the history in which Japanese Mainlanders (Naichijin) studied and taught Taiwanese native languages, with a hope to facilitate the teaching and learning methods of the language for foreigners in the future.



臺灣閩南語(臺灣語), 臺灣客家語(廣東語), 臺灣南島語(蕃語), 臺灣本土語言教學, 語言教材, 臺灣語假名, Taiwanese Southern Min (Taiwango), Hakka languages (kwantongo), Formosan languages (Bango), Teaching and learning of Taiwanese native languages, Language teaching materials, Taiwanese Kana phonetic system





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