

中文摘要 本研究旨在探索一位精神分析治療取向專業治療師,在治療歷程中,認識及實踐移情知識。本研究為個案研究,此位女性治療師與一位案主所進行之二十次的個別心理治療之治療後訪談,為本研究主要的資料來源,並以紮根理論進行資料分析。研究結果發現,「建構兩人關係」是治療師認識移情最主要的核心信念,而治療師主體的感知是認識移情最重要的方法,且移情認識的發展是一不斷調整及緩慢的歷程。因移情是藉由治療師與案主之動力引動而獲致認識,所以移情認識的結果對治療師及案主都產生足以影響的力量。研究發現移情認識為主軸之心理治療進行時,治療師的角色及移情認識所產生的作用是多重相互影響的。最後依據研究結果,對治療移情認識的獲得、在治療過程中的運用、對治療師的訓練,以及未來的研究上,皆提出具體建議。 關鍵字:心理治療師、移情、精神分析
An Intensive Case Study of the Transference Recognition in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Shuching Huang Abstract The purposes of the study were to analyze the process of transference recognition, application of the transference and the meaning of the transference in psychotherapy process. One dyad of psychoanalytic therapist and client was participated in the study. They had twenty therapy sessions. After every therapy session, the psychoanalytic therapist was interviewed to understand her personal experiences about the transference. Grounded theory was applied to analysis the collected data. The results of the analysis were as follows:Constructing the couple relationship was the core factor to recognized identify transference by the therapist. The channel to identify transference was based on the psychotherapist’s cognitive and emotional awareness. The process of transference recognition was slowly recognized through the inter- and intra- dynamic between the client and the therapy. The roles of the therapist and the functions of transference were multi- dynamic. According to the results of the study, suggestions for therapy , counseling education, and future research were provided. Key words:therapist、 transference、psychoanalysis



心理治療師, 移情, 精神分析, therapist, transference, psychoanalysis





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