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  十二年國教課綱於2014年將媒體素養列為九項核心素養中的要素之一,實行數年以來已初見成效,納入中學課綱也相對完整的建構學員們之基本知能;但公民與社會課程僅在國民中學及高級中學的課綱中出現,高級職業學校及藝術學校的課程中卻因必須學習專業技能而犧牲掉公民與社會課程。以表演藝術科系為例,該科系學生未來的目標職業很接近媒體甚至很可能成為媒體產製者,惡性循環之下媒體內容及環境難以優化;因此本研究之實驗對象聚焦於在中學時未學習媒體素養,但在大學就讀表演藝術相關科系的青少年進行教學研究。   本研究以自編行動學習遊戲教育app教材做為實驗文本,探討以不同的學習方式,進行置入性行銷課程是否存在學習動機、學習態度、學習模式滿意度及學習成效之影響;透過實驗法統計分析結果輔以半結構性深度訪談,嘗試了解不同學習方式中,何者對於學員學習置入性行銷課程的學習動機、學習態度、學習模式滿意度及學習成效有較佳之影響;生理性別在其中是否存在著調節作用。   研究結果顯示,置入性行銷課程中,行動學習在學習動機、學習態度、學習模式滿意度、學習成效皆顯著優於傳統學習;以生理性別做為調節變項觀察,學習成效方面有顯著的交互影響。   本研究雖為初探,但從研究結果來看,行動學習的學習模式確實在各方面表現皆優於傳統學習,在課堂互動中能增進學員之間及師生之間的關係,使課堂更有溫度;在媒體素養教育中,倘若能採用不同的教學策略讓兒童與青少年更有主動學習的意願,其課堂效能也能得到提升。
  Media literacy, which completely construct the basic capacity of students, has been listed as one of main core competitions of Directions Governing for the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula (The Directions, hereafter) since 2014. However, the fact that The Directions only includes high school means that students attending either vocational school or art school do not have Civic and Social Education course. In the mean time, to gain professional knowledge and skills, Civic and Social Education course is replaced by professional course in either vocational school or art school. As a result, those who have high potential to engage in media work in the future do not receive media literacy course, which is what they need.   Factorial experimental designs and semi-structured in-depth interview were adopted with college students whose major is the department of performance in this study. Two groups of students, one receiving mobile learning and the other one receiving traditional learning. The mobile learning group used mobile learning game app as their text, which was designed by the researcher teaching methods. The text used in this study was from Product Placement course.   The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of mobile learning app on learning motivation, learning attitude, learning model satisfaction, and learning effectiveness. Also, with gender as the moderator variable, if there was any significant difference was also concerned. The experiment results show that mobile learning a better influence on the learning motivation, learning attitude, learning model satisfaction and learning effectiveness. In terms of gender, learning effectiveness section, male had a better effects than female.



行動學習, 媒體素養, 學習動機, 學習態度, 學習模式滿意度, 學習成效, Mobile learning, Media literacy, learning motivation, learning attitude, learning model satisfaction, learning effectiveness





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